2) I'm the Boogie Man

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"I think I was a happy child, and I don't recall when the world painted me so melancholy."

-William C. Hannan

I finally start to hear water sounds up ahead and I suddenly feel relieved because I thought I had gotten lost for a second.

Ok maybe I got lost a couple times. Can you blame me though, all these trees look the same.

I spot the waterfall, and just as I'm about to sit down near the edge of it, I notice a very small light coming from the trees.

It's in the direction of where the cabin is. Great, so there's a serial killer out here.

Before I can think my legs have already started moving towards it. I walk through the trees trying not to trip over murderous air or get hit by a branch that's out to kill me.

Ok I have two options.

One, go find out who or what is in a cabin in the woods at four in the morning. Two, I could go back home and increase my probability of not getting killed or kidnapped.

One or two

One or two

One, two

God I'm stupid, at least if I die I don't have to go to the other hellhole later today, school.

My curiosity gets the best of me and I start creeping up to the cabin slowly, so I don't make any noise. I turn off my flashlight and go around the side to look through a broken window.

I have to lift the heels of my feet off the ground to get a better look. Geez why is this window so high up. I look through it and all I see is the back of a tall silhouette.


While I'm lost in a trance thinking about how this feels like an episode of Criminal Minds, I realize I'm still staring at the strangers back.

Before I have the chance to crouch down the stranger turns around.


I let out a quiet yelp and crouch down hoping to whatever sliver of good that's left in the world that they didn't see or hear me. Sure my life doesn't mean much, but I have to live long enough to complete my bucket list.

Yes, I have a bucket list.

While thinking if I should just make a run for it something comes up in front of me.

I take back what I said. Slenderman, I'm giving you your chance now.

Make it quick buddy.

Still in my crouching position, I make the absolute worst decision ever and look up.

I peek up through my already messed up hair and see the figure staring back at me.

I take that time to take in the appearance of my murderer. The light letting me see some of him.

Since I have to pretty much tilt my whole head back to see him, I'm betting he's pretty tall. His dark, wavy, curly hair, I can't tell which, is falling over his face because he's looking down.

He's wearing a simple black t-shirt that's hugging his arms, might I say very well, and some dark sweatpants.

There's a tattoo sleeve on one of his arms and a little going up his neck.

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