15) Pizza Boy

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Afraid- The Neighborhood

"i'm not used to being loved
i wouldn't know what to do"
-f. scott fitzgerald

Back to Autumn's pov :) -continued from 'observe' *not really edited*

After the pool, everyone went to dry or rinse off, and now some of the guys are cooking food for later...shirtless might I add.

I love making men work.

Oh and apparently one of the other girl's who's with us is June, she's also dating Liam, Quinn's cousin. I'm not one for cute shit, but they are fucking adorable. Quinn was teasing him about it earlier.

The brunette bitch earlier who cut me with her damn nails is Scarlett.

Ever since I got here she's been glaring at me. Earlier she 'accidentally' spilled a drink on my shirt, so now I'm on the couch with the girls in a shirt Alex let me borrow.

Alex's too fuckng fancy clock on the wall says that it's almost 7 p.m.. They're putting food on the grill right now, and then I guess we're supposed to watch Clueless later.

I hear the guys clearing out of the kitchen and going to the backyard. My focus is on my nails, before Miss Wolverine herself speaks, "So Marcey...." Scarlett trails off getting everyone's attention.

"Yeah?" Marcey turns her head from her conversation with June.

"What's going on with you and Xavier?" She asks.

"Um I don't know. He's really sweet, but we're not like official or anything. We're kind of taking things slow, I guess, since he just got back from New York," She explains with a smile, her skin tinging somewhat pink.

"Aww that's so cute. Did ya'll talk a lot during summer?"

"Kinda. We were both busy though, so not all the time," Marcey tilts her head at her question.

"Just might want to make sure he doesn't have some summer flings he's still talking to is all. I wouldn't want you to be disappointed in case you guys were getting serious. The girls in New York can be something else, and we all know Xavier isn't known to talk to just one person," She smiles. What the hell is wrong with this girl?

"Especially since some of them might possess some..." She studies Marcey up and down, "Attributes you don't have."

"Um...yeah you're right," Marcey says quietly, fiddling with the end of her shirt.

I glance over at everyone else, and they look just as shocked as me. "Why the fuck would you bring something like that up?" I voice staring at her, then to Marcey who's eyes look glossed over, I'm hoping it's just the lighting in the room.

"I'm just trying to give her advice." Crab hands defends.

"No you weren't. You're trying to put unneeded and unnecessary doubts into her head. Her and Xavier's relationship is their business unless they want to share it with anyone else."

"If she wanted advice she would come to you."

"The only reason you should offer her some is if she seems upset or you're worried about her."

"But we can all tell that you just wanted to talk shit about them. According to Marcey, right now they are perfectly happy together without your fake, and shit might I add, 'helpfulness'." I say, breaking my normal nonchalant exposure.

I look towards Marcey and she mouths a 'thank you'. I don't stand for people talking shit about others, I've been on the receiving end of it way too many times.

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