38) Here and Now

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A Little Death- The Neighborhood

"You deserve someone who is terrified to lose you"
-r.h. Sin

Mature Content at the three '***' and by mature I mean spice

"Hey love?" Reid calls out while I lay against him.

He followed me home in his car since it's Friday. Tomorrow will mark the first weekend of December.

We've been in my room for probably thirty minutes. He kicked his shoes off and got on my bed first, so now he's my head rest.

He has a pillows over his area for my to lie on even though he protested the specific placement earlier.

I set my phone down and look up at him. This is probably a terrible angle.


"This is random, but have you heard some stuff about me hooking up or dating some girl who's name doesn't need to be mentioned?"

"Riley Crawford," I say for him.

Maybe I should be more upset that he didn't bring it up sooner, but as I've said before I hate fucking rumors.

It wasn't coming directly from him and literally no one else in the group believed it, when they've known him for years. I chose to not believe it too.

Don't get me wrong, easier said then done. I get jealous, like many other girlfriends, but I'm trying because I trust him.

I trust him to bring up things that we should talk about or that he wants to share, just like he does me.

It's difficult to do, but I like him too much to not put in the effort.

"I've never done anything with her.

"Um thanks for telling me," I look away when I feel his attention on my face for too long. "I don't need like a list of people you've hooked up with before me though. If that's what you're worried about."

Okay so maybe I need to try a little harder.

"Autumn," He hums to get my attention.

"Yeah?" My tone unintentionally comes out as a little annoyed. Damnit.

He smooths out the crease between my eyebrows I didn't know was there. "Were you jealous?" His tone is teasing.

Yes, I think in my head.

The smirk on his face is prominent, so I sit up and get off the bed. "I'm gonna get a drink from downstairs. Do you want anything?"

Before I can even take a step away, he hugs me up and back onto the bed, my back pressing against his chest.

"Just gonna walk away and not answer my question? That's kind of rude don't you think?" He says near the side of my head.

"I don't have to answer you."

"You're right, but I'd like you to," His hands move down to my hips then underneath my sweater.

"And why is that?" I feel one of his hands going down to my thigh while the other travels further up my side.

"So I can hear how my beautiful girlfriend doesn't want to share me with anyone else."

His hand from my leg moves up and his head dips to my shoulder, "How you only want me touching you. How I'm yours only."

"That's what you want Reid?"

I lean into him, "You want to hear how badly I want all of your attention?"

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