31) Knights and Royals

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Scary Love- The Neighborhood

"Just be with me. We'll figure out the details later."
-perry poetry


"Are you guys ready for Homecoming tonight?" Quinn asks the lunch table.

It's Friday, two more bells, a football game, and then homecoming. Everything packed into one spirit filled day.

"Yep, got my dress and glitter for the game. Autumn you're coming with us after school too to get ready," Olive tells me.

"Sounds good," This is the most spirited school I've ever been too, but it's fun.

"Ol, did you end up accepting you know who's homecoming proposal?" Marcey leans forward on her elbows. "Maybe," She starts and we all grin.

"I'm not going to give him an easy time though, he knew what he signed up for," She crosses her arms over her chest in defiance.

"He won't care, he'll just be glad he's going with you," Alex says causing a light shade of pink to spread across her cheeks.

Everyone knows River really likes Olive, like I'm talking googley eyes like like.

Olive somehow turns the topic off her and onto something else random.

Once lunch ends, instead of us all going our seperate ways, Quinn drags me aside. I tell Reid I'll meet him in class and get pulled along with her.

She motions for Jesse to come back to the table.

"What's up Quinn?" His confused expression mirrors my own at her antics.

"Can Autumn where your other game jersey for the day?" She motions to my attire. I'm wearing ripped jeans with a blue top underneath a black jacket.

Augustine's school colors are white, black, and blue.

This was the best I could do since I didn't buy any school merchandise.

He points to me, "You want it?"

"Yeah it will be more spirity than what I'm wearing now," I shrug. He says it's in his practice locker and asks if I can miss some of class to get it.

"It'll be okay," I don't mind missing some of Government aka my least favorite class.

Aside from R-, aside from nothing brain.

We wave goodbye to Quinn and head down a different hallway.

I wait by the entrance of the locker room while he puts his pin in and cracks his locker open. The room is much cleaner than I expected. His foot shuts the locker door once he takes the clothing out. "Here ya go, it's clean I promise," He smiles.

"Thanks Jess," I hold it out in front of me to look at it, there's a big #15 on the back.

"No problem, see you at the game Ohio. Cheer me on from the stands," He winks as we go into the hallway.

Our classes are in opposite directions, yet he halts in his step, "And give Reid my apologies."

"For what?"

"Eh you know what, it shouldn't be too upsetting. The fucker needs a little push anyway. See you at the game Ohio," He grins.


I try to walk into class as quietly as possible, but of course the door has to fucking slam behind me.

"Miss Clemonte, fancy of you to join us," Mr. Smith eyes along with the rest of the class's go straight to me.

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