6) Cancer Sticks

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Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High
-Artic Monkeys

"Melancholy is the happiness of being sad"

-Victor Hugo

I reach my car and that's when the thoughts pour into my head like it's an empty glass.

It was between the point of overflowing and being filled just enough not to spill

But that doesn't stop them from pouring more and more in

She can't share any because people have their own glasses that might be filled too

The more that goes in the cup the less stable it becomes

The glass shakes, but still stands

Because if she breaks or cracks, she'll be useless

   I start the engine of my car and drive to try to drown out the pounding in my head. God I hate fucking thinking. I eventually reach my house, after driving aimlessly around for a while, for the only light to be residing in the living room.

I exit my car and take small steps towards the porch. My phone said it's around twelve.

My hand staying on the door knob for at least five minutes, I inhale a deep breath and walk in.

My eyes immediately trail over to the couch, where my dad is currently occupied looking like very drunk.

"Where the fuck were you?" He slurs.

"I was at the mall," I state in a monotonous voice, my hand still glued to the door knob.

I should just run, shouldn't I?

"Why the fuck were you at the mall this late?" He screams with a beer bottle in his hand. Somehow his accent comes out stronger when he's drinks.

"I was out with some people from school," I close the door behind me, probably not the best idea though. I texted both of them earlier saying I'd be out late, something I only did as a "first day of school courtesy".

"Stop lying, it makes you look even more pathetic. You were out with some fucking guy weren't you," He makes an accusatory finger at me.

"Haven't you learned your lesson from last time to stay away from boys?" he smiles, fucking smiles, and walks closer to me.

"It's because you act like this that nobody believed you," A shiver goes up my spine when he laughs, and takes more steps towards me.


"You should be glad we moved, nobody here knows what an embarrassment you are."


"You should savor it, because once they do..."

Too close

"You'll be alone."

A break of silence, "I'm sorry," the only thing I'm programmed to say in these situations.

"You should be, we just moved here and you're already throwing yourself around. Do you not realize this will reflect poorly on your mother and I? People won't want to associate with us because of you."

I try walking around him to get away from this conversation, but he roughly grabs my arm.

His face holds concern I know is fake, "I was worried sick about you ya know."

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