32) Beautiful

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High Enough- K. Flay

"You have a place in my heart no one else could ever have"
-f. scott fitzgerald


"And um here's the bathroom," Reid flicks the light on.

"Thanks," I take my lipstick out from my bag. It's like a deep red kinda wine-ish color.

He props his arm on the door frame and looks at me through the mirror. "Need anything else?"

After I outline my lips again, an idea sparks in my head, "You know what? Yeah, can you help me?" I hold the lipstick out to him.

"You...you want me to fill it in?" He seems hesitant until I nod. He pushes off the door and comes closer to take it from my hand.

He places his hand on the side of my neck, and uses his thumb to tilt my head up. Considerate of him to not mess up the makeup on my face.

"I've only done this for my Mom when I was really young, so I can't promise it will be good."

He pauses waiting for me to take it back. I don't move away, so he bends down to my level and presses the lipstick against my lips.

I watch as concentration takes over his face as he carefully applies it.

After a few minutes of very close proximity, and him staring at my lips, he glances up at me.

"You should check, but it um looks good, really good. The uh color you picked looks really good," He clears his throat and hands the lipstick back.

I turn to the mirror and pop my lips, "Why thank you," I smile to see if any got on my teeth.

"You look really good too," He mentions leaning back against the door waiting for me.

"Not just my lips?" I smirk at him then go back to checking my makeup.

"Those too," His gaze on my face makes the room feel hot. The atmosphere is interrupted by Lucas's mom yelling from downstairs.

"Pictures, pictures!" She says to gather us all up in the foyer. I turn the light off in the bathroom and we head downstairs with everyone else.

"Let me fix your tie Lucas," His mom waves him closer.

"I know you have to go, but you must be silly to think I wouldn't take photos of your last homecoming." She cups his cheeks after fixing his collar too.

"You look so handsome son, gonna bring tears to a grown man's eyes," Mr. Kingsley wipes the fake tears from his eyes.

"Thanks Da-," Lucas gets cut off.

"I was talking about Reid, but you look good too Luke," We're all trying to choke down laughs.

"Okay everybody hurry up and cram into the pictures," Lucas tells everyone. I stand next to Quinn and Jesse. We all smile and pose as his parents get in their pictures.

"Not to be rude Mrs. and Mr. Kingsley, but my jaw kinda hurts," Alex mumbles through his shut teeth.

Lucas goes to hug both of them, "Sorry guys we gotta go."

"Oh alright, you're all just so grown up," Mrs. Kingsley leans her head onto Mr. Kingsley's shoulder. "Aww don't cry honey," He wraps an arm around her.

Reid and Lucas share a look before going over to hug her.

Afterwards she taps their arms to let go, "Stop letting me hold you up, go have fun," She laughs and looks at all of us.

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