37) Girls and Boys

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Mind Over Matter- Young the Giant

"You still live in the silences between my thoughts."


"Reidy poo how are you late when we had a two hour delay?" River swivels in his chair when I set my stuff down next to him.

So Autumn and I might've made it to school a little late from me kissing her again.

I kinda fucked up because I forgot she had a test to take. I'll have to ask her at lunch how it went.

She's just soo fucking pretty.

"Beau tell Riv to never call me that again," I tell him.

"Why not Reidy poo? It kind of has a ring to it," He grins. I lift up my middle finger to both of them.

"How'd Autumn like her food?" River teases me more. I roll my eyes at him. She enjoyed it...among other things.

I need to stop thinking about this morning before I get a hard on in fucking technology.

"And how are you and Olive?" I ask him because they seem to be hanging out more since homecoming.

"You ask that like she doesn't like me," He huffs out. I shrug in response.

"Wow rude, but for your information we're good. Not rushing into anything right now."

"Don't you like her?" Beau chimes in again.

"Of course, how could I not she's amazing. She said we should take things slow right now. I get to spend time with her in the end though, so I'm fine with waiting."

"How'd you know when to pop the big question to Autumn?" Beau turns to ask me shimmying his shoulders.

"You ask that like we're married."

"Y'know if you had a thought bubble above your head it would display her at the center with other little minor things floating around," Riv says and I can't argue because he's kind of right.

"I don't know, I just wanted to ask her," I mumble.

"Isn't she your first girlfriend?" He nudges me smirking.

"Why do you guys keep grilling me? Isn't there an assignment we should be working on?"

"Same stuff from last week since it's a half day," Beau explains.

Everyone else is in their own conversations or absorbed into their phone.

And we're over here talking about girls.

"Wanna hang out with us after school?" River points between himself and Beau. "Griffin and Alex are coming to."

You guys should have a guys night. Her words pop back into my head.

"Sure why not. Who's house?"

"They suggested the arcade at the mall."

"Sounds good to me," I face back around in my seat, but catch the glance Riley shot in my direction.


"Reid," I hear the annoying voice of someone I have no interest in speaking to. I try to speed up my steps through the hallway.

"Reid, Reid, hey wait." You would think she would have given up by now.

I feel something tug on the end of my sleeve and immediately pull my arm away, "What did I say about strangers touching me?" I face around to the slightest bit of hurt on Riley's face before it turns into a glare.

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