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Run- Joji

"You gave me forever within the numbered days and I'm grateful."

-John Green

Reid's pov

"Reid, come on," I let my eyes adjust to the darkness in the room after coming out of her bathroom. The TV is the only thing lighting up the space.

Autumn is leaning her back against the pillows with her arms stretching out to me.

I toss my towel in the hamper and walk over to the bed. As soon as I land on top of her, her arms wrap around me.

My face scrunches up when I pull a blanket out from under my stomach. "How do you not burn up under all these covers?"

"I get cold easily remember?" She says when I turn in her hug, so I'm facing the tv too, but still leaning against her.

I take one of her hands that started playing with my hair and kiss the back of it. "You smell good," I mumble when her hand goes back to massaging my head.

Her attention hones in on the show, or at least I assume so because she was quiet after that. I would've thought she'd fallen asleep, but her fingers never left my hair.

They would occasionally go down to the sides of my face and run over my cheeks before moving back up.

She let out soft laugh when I twisted again, so my face was in the crook of her neck. I kissed a spot by her ear before moving down by her chest and snaking my arms around her.

Within this incomprehensible universe there are many things that don't make sense.

However, even with all the months that have passed, I know that Autumn stroking my hair while my head is resting against her chest is the closest thing to Heaven on this planet.

"I think I'd go crazy without your touch," I say lowly when her fingers drift down to the back of my neck.

She gently tugs my hair, making me tilt back to see her. A smile forms on her pretty lips, "Glad to know I keep you sane."

"I would say sensible too, but you can be kinda dumb sometimes," I sense the sarcasm in her voice.

"Dumbass," I retort. "Now go to sleep. We can stay up all we want next week."

"Spring break," She sounds enthused and sleepy at the same time.

"Spring break," I say and when her breathing is the only thing my ears decide to care about my heart beats faster.

It's been doing this for weeks.

It happens a lot in moments when she's not paying attention, times when I can just look at her. I didn't know at first if it was my heart just swelling with so much appreciation or what.

I talked about it with Harper and her exact words were, "I knew you were dumb, but I'm starting to believe you're plain stupid. That's called love baby brother."

I think I've known it for a while though, subconsciously at least.

I felt it when we were stuck on the Ferris wheel because even though I had the best view of the entire park, I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

I knew it when she walked out in a dress on my birthday that left speechless.

And when she kissed me...with the amount that I praise her, I don't believe I could have gone long without her doing it again.

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