30) Hippie Days

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The Beach- The Neighborhood

"the way you say things to me, it makes me want to know anything you have to say about everything, really..."
-butterflies rising

It's Wednesday, also known as Hippie Day at school.

I braided my hair into two braids last night and decided to be productive and also pick out my outfit.

I'm wearing flowy-ish printed pants and a cropped white top. Okay it's sorta a bralette just with a thick band at the bottom, but I've seen people wear less, so I should be fine.

I put on all my rings, bracelets, and added some longer necklaces since it's kind of a v-neck.

My mom and I have gotten into the routine of occasionally talking to each other without blowing up.

She might think it's because I've gotten over the shit she said, but it's because I don't feel like taking Tylenols so early in the morning for the headaches she'd give me.

I walk down the stairs, and she's in the kitchen. We acknowledge each others existence with a simple head nod as I grab something from the fridge.

"Nice outfit," Sarcasm leaks through her voice. I ignore her remark and grab some frozen fruit to make smoothie.

Putting the fruit into the blender she talks again, "Are you wearing that to school?"

"No to the strip club," I turn the blender on as soon as she tries to respond. I pour my smoothie into a cup and grab a lid and straw.

"Bye Mom," I tell her before walking out the house and towards my car. I get in and head down the road to school.


"What's up my hipster friend?" Jesse throws his arm over my shoulder.

"Hey Jesse," I jokingly nudge his side. Marcey asked if the group could meet up a little before classes started so she could show us something.

"Thanks guys for coming here a little earlier than some of you usually do."

"No problem Marce, what'd you want to show us?" Alex asks.

"Well SCA and some volunteers came together and decided to finally clean the senior courtyard. It's been untouched since last spring because of that science class incident," She motions for us to follow her.

She takes us down a couple hallways until we reach it. She gestures for us to go through the door and I'm surprised with how well it looks.

I've gone past it a few times getting to other places, but the door was always locked.

From the outside the glass at least, I would see overgrown weeds and plants. Tables that looked like they needed to be pressure washed and chairs that looked like they would crumble if someone sat in them.

Everything looks five times better than it did before, and I think they put new plants out here too.

"This looks amazing Marce," Olive takes a seat on one of the chairs, "The chairs can be sat in too," She adds on.

I walk around the courtyard, the place isn't too big, but it's certainly pretty.

"We should eat out here today," Lucas says from beside me.

"We should it feels good outside today too."

"Where's Reid?" I realize his absence.

"He's busy right now, but he'll come later today," He sees my wary expression, "Don't worry your dark prince is a big boy, he's fine."

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