3) Pickup line?

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Nervous-The Neighborhood

"I prefer loneliness over fake company."

-Quotes 'nd Notes



I arrive in front of a pretty big three-story, old, brick building. It almost looks like something the ghostbusters would break into, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Fuck let me keep my thoughts to myself before I get in trouble.

Anyway, I have devised a plan for this year. 

Granted my plans don't normally work out, but......yeah never mind there is no but.

In any case, since I'm somewhere new, and it's my last year, I'm going to try to stay under the radar. 

I know most people would say this is my chance for a "fresh start" blah blah blah, but I'm perfectly fine with keeping to myself.

The less people that notice me the better.

If I don't mess this plan up, then this school year should go by quickly. The reasoning behind this plan is simple.

Once I leave this town, I don't want any unnecessary emotions holding me back. 

I want to make a clean entrance and a clean break.

I don't want to have to worry about making promises to keep in contact with people, or cry about not being able to see them as much.

Those type promises, no matter how much someone has meant them at the moment, are eventually broken. Maybe that's just the pessimist in me talking, but it's a cycle, make friends, make promises, and then they leave.

Or I leave, one of the two.

People disappoint- my motto in life

Well to end that short and depressing, inner monologue, let's walk into the start of the next year of my life.

I slap on a first day smile on and open my car door.

I debate if it's smarter to find guidance first, even though they already sent me my schedule. 

I have the slight suspicion that I'm going to get confused or lost in here. Eh I'll figure it out, how big can the school really be.

I make my way out of the parking lot and towards the front door, but then pause to stare.

There's students and faculty everywhere standing outside the doors. There are big "Welcome to Augustine High School" and "Happy First Day!" signs hanging above all the entrances.

I notice a lot of younger kids going through doors over to the left, and more people around my age walking to two doors to the right.

As I start making my way to the doors I notice some people staring at me.

I try my best to ignore them and walk through the doors. I'm met with a huge room with posters and banners everywhere.

There's trophy cases and lockers on some of the walls, and stairs on each side that lead up to what I'm assuming is a second and third story.

I move over to the side and take out my schedule.

Probably should've checked to see if there was an open house or something. At least then I'd know where to go.

While seeing which class I have first someone bumps into me, even though I'm standing still and out the way. I stumble back a bit, but don't fall because the person grabs my upper arm.

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