36) Love and Greed

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Floating- Alina Baraz (ft. Khalid)

"Constantly, consistently, continually, you."
-perry poetry

Reid's pov
-Mature content in this chapter and by mature I mean spice

Thanksgiving is this Thursday, and we're only going to school for half the week. Only two and a half days because Wednesday is a half day.

There's a two hour delay today though for some reason I forgot, but hey I'm not complaining.

Means I can do this, I pull my phone out and let the dial ring.

Once she picks up I prop my phone up on my bathroom counter and take out my toothpaste.  "Morning love," I say picking up my toothbrush.

Autumn groans, but sets her phone against her own pillow, "Why'd you wake me up?"

"To tell you I'm coming over," I wet my toothbrush, squeeze the paste  up there, then wet it again.

"And when did I say you could come over?" She grumbles out rubbing her eye with her hand.

"I'm bringing you food," I attempt to say with toothpaste in my mouth.

"Finish brushing your teeth," She yawns and closes her eyes again even though they were squinted when she was talking.

I spit my excess toothpaste into the sink and rinse my mouth out, "I'm bringing you food," I say more clearly.

"Thank you," Her voice should not be this hot in the morning.

"Is your mom home?" Her dad left the house last week which just leaves her and her mom.

"Yeah, but she should be at work or leaving for it by the time you get here," She explains uncovering her top half from her comforter.

She leans her head on her arm and turns more on her side to talk to me.

My eyes go to her cleavage which is pushed together by her position. The necklace dangling in between is stealing the fucking spot I should be at.

"Eye up here," She drags two fingers up to her face grinning.

"You sure love having your chest on display for me don't you?" She switches topics motioning to my pajamas which consist of boxers and no shirt.

"I do because I know you like looking at it, along with my arms," I smirk.

"It's okay," She shrugs.

"Would it change your mind if you get to feel it when I get to your house?"

"Maybe, maybe not," She throws the comforter off her upper half to stretch.

I wash my face and put on deodorant, then move us to my room. She's still in her bed keeping me company.

I pull out jeans and briefs "Why can't I see the angles?" She laughs when I tell her I'm going to my bathroom and change.

I switch and exit the bathroom, "Are those the pants I got you?" Her eyes light up.

"Yeah," I answer struggling with the zipper. "They're not fucking zipping though."

"Well it's not because your dick is too big, so I don't know what to tell you," She muffles her reaction by putting a hand to her mouth.

"Tell me that again when I come over," The zipper finally works and I can button it.

I throw on a white crewneck and pop back in frame when she calls me over.

"Do a spin for me," Her grin reappears.

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