40) Dress and Vests

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fever dream- mxmtoon

"my heart talks about nothing but you."
-Albert Camus


"In that case can I give you another pre birthday gift?" He asks moving our linked hands farther up my leg.

I tilt my head, "Spoiling me aren't you?"

"Gotta make up for all the time I wasn't there to do it," His fingers slip out of mine and run down the side of my leg to the back of my knees.

He pulls me to the edge of the counter and closer to him, "That's quite a while."

"Well then looks like you're stuck with me for a while," He exaggerates.

"What do you plan to do with all that time?"

"I don't know, there's honestly so many possibilities," He drawls out leaning in further.

"Well what do you want to do now?" I ask wrapping my arms around his neck. "Would it be cheesy if I said you?"

I lift his chin up, "Extremely, but I'll let it slide."

He shuts me up by pressing a slow and soft kiss to my lips before it gradually turns more aggressive. His hands start to feel all around me before one goes underneath my hoodie.

The other grips my thigh to push it farther out on the counter to make more room for himself between my legs.

My nails slightly drag down the back of his neck which causes him to groan into my mouth. Interesting.

I go under his shirt and hear his breath hitch when I feel down his chest.

He moves to my ear and hoarsely speaks, "You should know that being able to kiss you is a damn privilege."

I don't know what to say, so I grab the bottom of his shirt and pull him back harder.

And then his phone starts ringing.

"Ignore it," He mumbles against my lips and we do until it ends.

But I guess this person is a little persistent because his phone beeps with a message.

Neither of us pays attention to it until it rings for a second time. "It's okay, just answer it," I sigh out and he mutters a curse under his breath.

He reaches in his pocket and taps the answer button. "There better be a really good fucking reason as to why you called me Luke," His voice goes low with annoyance.

I mouth, "don't be mean," to him.

It's silent until Reid responds again, "Yes actually I was doing something incredibly important," I see the slight smirk on his face when he glances at me, then back to his phone.

Silence again, "Is that all you called me for? You could've sent that in a text."

"Oh...you did? Well still don't call me a dumbass you idiot. Just get them as purple."

He rolls his eyes when he sees my expression, "I meant please get them as purple."

"No I'm not with Autumn, goodbye," He hangs up. Putting his phone on silent this time, he slips it into his pocket.

"What is he getting?" I ask curiously.

"Nothing you need to know about at this moment," He eyes me when I reach over and grab one of the strawberries he cut before we got sidetracked.

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