14) Smile

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Melting- Kali Uchis

"so much of what we learn about love is taught by people who never really loved us.."

-r.h. Sin

sry if this is a lot of back and forth between chapters but this is Reid's pov from chapter '23+37' :)

After Autumn's and Theo's 'showdown', the party played out how it always does for me...me ignoring people. I'm not a lightweight, so that one beer I had sadly isn't doing anything. I'll have to drive back anyway though, so it's better if I stay sober.

Griffin passed out so me being the angel I am, I carried his ass to the party people off-limit room.

I haul his body over my shoulder and dump him on the couch, somehow the fucker doesn't wake up.

Heavy ass sleeper.

I go on my phone until I hear the door unlock with someone's key. Everyone in the group has a key to this room.

"Oh hey Marce, what are you doing in here?" I ask her.

"Apparently Quinn texted her to meet, but do I not get an acknowledgment?" Xavier crosses his arms.

"You and her," I point between them both, "Are pretty much a packaged deal. Where one is, most of the time the other is close by."

"We aren't like that," Marce crosses her arms. They copied each other's actions without even realizing.

"It's not a bad thing, but you're right, you're worse. You both like each other so much, it's almost nauseating."

Marce rushes up to punch my stomach, "Reid you douche stop being rude."

I stretch my arm out and put my hand on the top of her head to stop her, before she can come closer. Her hands are still reaching trying to grab me, but my arm pushes her farther back and it's honestly hilarious.

"I'm not being rude Marce," I drop my hand, once she's given up.

"Yes you are," She says back smoothing down her hair, which I guess I messed up. Not my fucking fault she charged at me.

"I bet there's someone you like that you're not telling us about," Xavier smirks.

"Please enlighten me, because I surely can't think of anyone," I give him the floor to get insight on my own life.

"What about Autumn?" Marce smiles.

"Oh yeah, she has been hanging with you guys a lot lately," He wiggles his eyebrows. They wouldn't be wiggling if I shaved them off...hm tempting.

"I don't know what you guys are insinuating , but I don't even know her," I roll my eyes. "We've only known her a damn week."

Well you probably know her more than the others with all your late night rendezvous.

Shut up.

"Yeah, but she's nice and really pretty. I think you guys would actually be cute together." Marce says sounding like a Jesse 2.0.

"Will you guys stop trying to play fucking Cupid."

"Do you not like her Reid?" If Marce wasn't here right now, I'd wipe that damn smirk off his face.

"I don't have an opinion about her, I don't know her," I mean that might not be fully true, but they don't need to know that.

"Really nothing, you have zero opinions on her whatsoever," He persists, trying to piss me off. He's always been good at knowing exactly which of my buttons to push.

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