9) The Human Species

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Tame Impala- New Person, Same Old Mistakes

"People may not tell you how they feel about you, but they always show you. Pay attention."

-Keri Hilson

After talking with Quinn, she said she wanted to go and try to talk Iris.

She said I had to go with her though, and of course I agreed.

She seems pretty determined to have this conversation and I can't help but feel proud of her. We're walking back towards the front to find Iris, and luckily she hasn't left yet.

She turns to me, "Do I look okay? Is my makeup smeared? How's my hair? Do I smell fine?"

"Quinn, Quinn!" I grab her shoulders. "Babes you look beautiful as always. Just be yourself, there's no way she couldn't like you. If she doesn't then she must have the personality and humor of a fucking rock."

She looks at me with an emotion I don't see often, "Autumn, why'd it take you so long to come into my life."

While trying to figure out her expression, two arms wrap around me.

She's hugging me.

She's hugging me?

Shit what do I do?

You hug her back idiot...right?

I'm stiff, but my arms slowly come up to wrap around her back, "Because people can only handle me in small doses," I reply to her question.

She pulls back and smiles, "I know we haven't known each other that long, but thank you."

"Okay okay enough sappy stuff, wish me luck," She walks over towards the couch Iris is sitting at.

I stand in place a little longer after she leaves, still somewhat off put by the sudden hug. It wasn't bad I guess, just surprising.

In my peripheral, I see Griffin waving at me next to Reid, Theo-I think, and a no-namer on the couch.

"Hey Audie," Griffin smiles at my appearance.

"Hey Finn."

"I haven't seen you since you guys got here."

"Yeah sorry about that. I've been wandering around with Quinn for most of it. Alex's house is fucking huge,  I'm surprised I haven't gotten lost yet. When we arrived he said you were in the back."

"Mhm I was out at the bonfire area. You should check it out if you haven't already, I think they're making s'mores later."

"Ooh cool."

"Can I sit?" I nod my head to the couch.

All the boys look up when I say that, "Sorry Audie kinda no room."

I take a seat in between Reid's legs, since he's in the corner of the lounge, but make sure we're not touching.

"What the fuck are you doing?" His body tenses up.

"Well there was no room, so I made room. You don't mind do you? I can sit somewhere else," I tell him, because even if he's not my favorite, I don't want him to be uncomfortable.

I go to get up, since he doesn't say anything, but then feel cool objects on my skin.

His rings press against my hips to grab me and pull me back down to the couch, "Just sit down love, you're fine, just unexpected is all."

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