19) Libraries and Lyrics

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Ivy- Frank Ocean

"You looked me in the eyes for a little too long to "not have any feelings for me"."

-Pinterest (couldn't find author)

TW: Mentions of Depression starting from the second '*****'


Reid's POV

We listened to music for the next hour or so in silence.

There was know small talk, no deep conversations, we just sat against the wall next to each.

We sat in silence, eating jolly ranchers and gummy bears together, and I can honestly say this is the best night I've had in a while.

She scares me, how much I feel like I can open up to her. I haven't talked about my Mom in years, and here this weird girl was suddenly pulling so much information about her out of me.

My Mom's death affected my whole family, but it tore down my Dad the most.

After she was gone, he was absent a lot, not physically, but mentally.

I never really talk about my family with other people, mostly because no one brings it up. I wasn't really uncomfortable when she asked me about her, just shocked she was curious.

Usually I get "I'm sorry for your loss" or "Oh you're so strong." But she didn't focus on the loss she wanted to know how she was when she was still here.

Luke and his family are the only ones who know about all the details regarding her death.

I see her moving in the corner, so I turn my head, and break the silence that gone on for so long.

I like the quiet, but I also like her voice.

"What are you doing?" Her fatigued face turns to me.

She holds up her phone and it's reads 3:37 am. "Trust me I'd love to stuff more jolly ranchers in my face, but I'm kind of tired."

I stand up with her, "Thanks for letting me um ramble," She faintly smiles.

"No problem," While stretching my limbs, she grabs the bottom of the hoodie.

"Here's your hoodie back," Before I have time to say anything the hoodie is risen halfway off her body, but it's also raising her shirt underneath with it. Her entire stomach is uncovered and yet she doesn't notice and is still trying to pull the hoodie off more.

Her head is covered with the fabric, and her arms are up trying to get the sleeves off. If she keeps pulling at it her bra is going to come into view soon.

"Shit I meant shirt, your shirt love pull it down," I tell her looking at the ground.

"Just give me it tomorrow," I say staring away from her.

"Oh? OH OH sorry sorry," I look up after I'm sure she has it back on.

She adjusts the sleeves of the hoodie, "Are you sure you don't need it back?" She questions hesitantly.

"With your body temperature, you seem to need it more than me."

"Then thank you, and thanks for the ring," She holds her hand up and smiles.

I nod, "Not gonna thank me for the bracelet?" She asks back sarcastically.

"Why would I?" I act oblivious.

"If you don't want it, give it back," She goes to reach for my wrist, but I pull it back.

"No you gave it to me, it's mine now," I hide my hand behind my back, out of her sight.

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