35) Trust

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Care About Me-Miranda Del Sol

"So much of what we learn about love is taught by people who never really loved us."
-r.h. Sin

Once we had gotten back to the car I pulled him to the backseat.

"You're not allowed to leave any hickies on my neck Reid," I tell him because he seems to be doing exactly like.

"Mhm," He moves lower down towards my collar bone.

"There either," I breath out.

He starts unzipping my jacket to my low cut top and pushing me back onto the seat. "You can cover this area up, yeah?" His mouth goes to the top of my chest.

My fingers thread into the hairs at the back of his head.

His tongue swirls and his teeth pinch at certain spots. "This is getting in my way," His hands go to the bottom of my shirt.

"Take it off then." He looks up to my eyes, "Are you s-" A ringing sounds throughout the car.

"Tell me you don't hear that ringing please," I groan and cover my face with my hands.

"I hear it," He drops my shirt and kisses both my hands.

"Tell me it's not my phone," I whine. He looks to the front seats, "Pretty sure it's your phone love," He kisses my head.

"Wait," I pause. "It stopped," But then it starts fucking ringing again. "Ugh," I reach up to the front seat to grab my phone and see who's calling.

"It's my Mom," My brows draw together in confusion.

I swipe to answer and hold it to my ear, "Hello? Mom what is it?" She rarely calls me out of the blue like this.

"Autumn, you need to come home," She says sternly.

"What why?" I look to Reid who's dazed expression matches my own. "You- just come home as soon as you can okay," I hear her sigh then hang up the phone.

"What's wrong?" He asks me as soon as I lower the phone. "I don't know, but she wants me home. I'm sorry," I frown.

"There's no need to apologize, it's not your fault," He says, but I can tell it still annoys him a little.

"Don't pout, it makes your lips more kissable," He tells me poking my bottom lip with his finger, "Smile."

He puffs his cheeks out with air and kisses me until I start laughing.

"Reid stop," My mouth curves up amused.

"No kiss me," I roll my eyes, but cup the sides of his face. He gives me a look and I puff my cheeks out too and press my lips to his.

"If you keep kissing me I won't be able to take you home," He says before I pull him down for another one. "You started it. I'd rather go to your home," I speak honestly.

"Me too," He leans up and offers his hand to help me up.

I sigh and take his hand. We get out and take our original spots as driver and passenger. He starts the car up and pulls out of the parking spot.


When he parks the car at the end of my drive way, he turns to me.

"I hope you had a good time tonight. Sorry if you felt overwhelmed at any point or if it was too much. I just really wanted you to say yes at the end," He admits.

I lay my head against the back of my chair and face him, "Everything was perfect. This was the most thoughtful thing anyone's ever done for me," I tell him sincerely.

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