7) Acorns and Cottages

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summer depression-girl in red

"People can be stunningly unobservant"

-Stephen King

It's a little before seven now and I'm getting ready to leave, to meet up with everyone else before school.

I wonder why these people are willingly choosing to hang out this early, on top of that before school. Don't they see each other during, and some times after school?

I don't get it. Even if we didn't hang out, we would see each in less than a few hours. Maybe it's just something close friends do, I don't know.

I'm beyond exhausted today, so I make sure to cover up the "lack of sleep" look under my eyes.

Lastly, I switch my septum back to the silver horseshoe, so it's matches with my silver necklace. I put my favorite rings on and some bracelets. One of my rings is a snake, because I just love snake rings and another is a regular thick band ring. I lace up my white shoes and do a final look over my outfit.

I check my phone to get the address of the place and head to my car. I type in the address and the GPS says it's less than ten minutes from the house.

Maybe I do like this house, not making me spend a lot of gas money.


The car ride is short, and right when my one of my favorite song comes on, Reflections by the NBHD, the GPS says I'm here.

Of course.

I get out and walk inside, seeing Jesse and Alex are already here. "Hey Autumn," They say while walking towards me.

I walk with them towards a big booth in the back. Jesse slides in first and I sit next to him.

Before Alex can sit down, we here the door open. Quinn comes in and demands her and Alex switch, because she wants the inside seat for some reason.

"You are so annoying Quinn," Alex sighs, but moves to let her go first.

"You know you love it," She playfully nudges him.

Just when we're all situated, Griffin and Olive walk in, shortly after, followed by Lucas, Reid, and Marcey.

"Did you guys order already?" Griffin asks sliding in next to Quinn.

"Nah we just got here, we were going to wait for you guys," Alex tells him.

We all get up and walk over to the register. A girl, who's not much older than us, looks up. I notice she's only looking at the guys in our group. Scanning each of them, she leans forward over the counter, making her chest look bigger.

I don't know the staff code or anything, but this seems unprofessional.

"What would you boys like today?" she asks in a sweet voice. I look back at the girls to see if they notice, and sure enough all their faces are scrunched up.

All the guys order and she looks back up after clicking something on the register, "Your total will be-"

She can't be fucking serious, it's too early for this.

I snap my fingers in front of her face, "Lady you literally see four other people standing here."

"Oh sorry," She rolls her eyes. The girls order, but I have no clue what to get.

I turn my head to Jesse, since he's behind me. "What are you getting?" I ask up at him.

He leans down to my ear so I can hear him. The girl is eyeing me with an angry stare. "I'm getting a strawberry banana smoothie with a buffalo chicken wrap," he says in my ear before leaning back up.

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