41) Can I, May You

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Some- Steve Lacy

"I met him, and he made me wonder why I ever thought I didn't deserve the world."

-Mannu Thakur


I groan and peek an eye open at the sound of my phone ringing.

Flipping over in bed, I grab it off of my night stand and check the caller ID. It's a video call from the group. I rub my eyes and click to answer, but angle the camera so my entire face isn't in frame.

"Is there a special reason for this call?" I mumble still half asleep.

"Tell me you're joking," Marcey's face looks partially shocked. "I'm too tired to be joking," I laugh, but it turns into a yawn.

"Bitch it's your birthday!" Quinn and Olive exclaim at the same time.

"Oh shit, your right," How did I forget? Finn tries to sing me Happy Birthday, but Alex cuts him off saying he's saving my ears from damage.

"My singing is beautiful," He corrects.

"Yeah to people who's ear drums are broken," Jess tells him. "Oh yeah and you're probably gonna have to get up soon Ohio, your boyfriend is coming to your house," He says in a singy song voice.

"Dumbass you weren't supposed to tell her that," Lucas scolds him through the phone.

"What? It's not like she's not going to hear her own doorbell ring. I was just giving her a heads up," He narrows his eyes at the camera.

"At least I didn't say that he's-"

"Jesse you blabbermouth shut up."

I stretch and maneuver myself out of bed. "Thanks Jess. I'm going to at least brush my teeth, so I'll see you guys later okay?" They shoo me off the call by teasing me about my apparent 'prince charming.'

I go into my bathroom and do my regular morning routine. And as I'm putting on my chapstick the doorbell rings.

I take the stairs two at a time until I reach the bottom, and glance over my shoulder to see my Mom on the couch with her computer out.

She looks to where I'm headed, "Is that Reid?"

"I would assume so."

A laugh escapes her, "Remember who his father is Autumn and hold on to that boy for as long as you can."

"A happy birthday would've sufficed mom, but thank you for being so concerned about how much money I can get out of my boyfriend," I say sardonically.

"Just trying to give you advice," She shrugs and goes back to her work.

I put her unnecessary comment out of my head and open the door to Reid standing with his hands behind his back.

His outfit consists beige pants and a dark green sweater he bought when we went shopping. He's even wearing one of my necklaces I gave him underneath.

"Hi," His charming smile grows when he sees me.

"Hi," I smile stepping to the side to let him in.

"Actually could you come out here for a minute?" He glances to my Mom.

"Yeah of course," Good thing I'm in actual warm pajamas. I close the door behind us and motion for him to follow me off to the side away from it.

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