4) Daydreaming

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Comfort Croud- Conan Gray

"Of all the sad things I have heard, 'I used to be so happy' is the most heartbreaking of all"

-Nikita Gill

"Anyone know where history with Smith is?" I ask the table, realizing lunch is ending soon.

"Reid has that next bell, he can show you," My eyes widen a little at the sudden invitation. He hasn't said a word since I sat down, so I'm surprised he would agree.

"And why wasn't I consulted on that decision," Reid speaks from the corner.

Looks like he doesn't  agree.

Wait I know that voice, but where from?

Where fro- fuck.

Great, it's the jackass from earlier this morning. Ok let's think it was dark, so maybe he doesn't know what I look like. You could see what he looked like though.

Maybe he won't remember me, yeah if I just don't bring it up, it didn't happen, yeah ok...yeah.

"Oh no, it's okay I can find it," Staying under the radar means not causing unnecessary problems.

"Nope, you're new and will get lost. I'll walk you it's not that far from my next class," Lucas insist.

"No I promise I'm fine, I'm not helpless," I assure him. I don't want to walk with Reid, but Lucas isn't any better. He'd just end up asking me more questions on the way to class.

"Dude just walk her, we all know Lucas's class is on the opposite end of the school," Alex looks towards Reid.

Wait, why would he walk me if his class wasn't close?

"Fine," Reid mumbles.

I internally groan because this just seemed like a bad idea. I don't know how or why, but it just did.

Lucas nods at him and goes back to his conversation with Griffin. The bell rings signaling for all of us to head to our next classes.

I get up and turn towards the table, "Nice meeting you all," I hope we don't run into each other again.

"Bye beautiful," Jesse winks, as him, Griffin, and Olive head in the same direction.

Quinn was one of the first ones to go saying she forgot something in her last class.

Marcey left after Quinn because her class was upstairs. She said she wanted to get a good seat, since it was the first day. She did so, but not before giving me a giant grin and saying she hopes I'll sit with them tomorrow.

That girl is literally one of the nicest people I've ever met. She almost makes me feel guilty for not wanting too.


Alex said he was skipping the rest of the day and headed out to the courtyard. How can you skip the first day?

I don't know either.

That leaves Lucas, Reid, and me.

Lucas turns towards Reid and just gives him a look that says "Show her to class please." He turns towards me and smiles, "Bye Autumn."

Now it's just the newbie and the grumpster.

I'm just gonna pretend we didn't meet like less then 12 hours ago in the woods.

"Uh are we gonna head to class soon," I say since we're the last ones left at the table, and some of the last people in the cafeteria. He just gets up and walks off, not acknowledging my question.

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