25) Whip Cream and Wishes

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boyfriend- Ariana Grande, Social House

"You return like autumn, and I fall every time."


It's Friday, and also the day before Reid's birthday. Everything's been set up, all bags are packed, and now all we have to do is drive to Acicester.

Harper knew the group had something planned, so they explained all the details to her earlier.

We're staying till Sunday, and she said she'll meet us there tomorrow.

The bell is going to ring in less than a minute, and the plan is to drive to our houses to pick up our bags and drop off our cars.

Lucas said his neighbor is letting him borrow their minivan. Don't know how he convinced them of that.

We've told Reid we're going somewhere for the weekend, but he doesn't know where or what we're doing.

"Alright Evans get your ass up," I jump out of my chair once the bell rings.

"Why my last name again?" He questions slowly rising froths seat and throwing his bag over his shoulder.

I shrug not having an answer, and he just playfully rolls his eyes at me.

"Careful or they'll get stuck like that."

We head out the front of the school and into the parking lot.

I spot Quinn hugging Iris, and after she waves goodbye at her she turns her head and locks eyes with me. She runs up to me and tackles me in a hug, luckily we both don't fall.

"Autumn, I'm so happy," She exclaims.

"Go on," I'd like to find out the reason for her sudden upbeat mood.

She let's go of me, but still has a grin on her face, "Guess who now has a fucking girlfriend! You guys encouraged me to ask her, and she said yes. I almost shit my pants asking her, but she said yes!"

"She did?" A smile grows on my face for her.

"Mhm," She excitedly shakes her head.

"I'm so happy for you guys," I'll let Iris tell her about the time she came up to some of us and asked us about her.

She was asking about foods and movies Quinn liked, hobbies, places she enjoys going to, a bunch of adorable shit.

"When are you going to get a significant other Reid, I know you probably like someone already," She smirks at him.

He runs a hand down his face, "Great you boosted her ego too much Autumn, and now she thinks she's a love doctor."

"It was already high before she said anything," Quinn bites her bottom lip to look, how she puts it, 'swagilicious'.

Yes that's the exact word she used.

"Quincey please stop doing that face."

"I'll let that slide, since your birthday's tomorrow. Anyway see you guys in a bit." She walks away to her car.

"See you soon Evans," I stop in front of my car.

"You guys are really set on keeping my kidnapping on schedule," He chuckles.

I take my keys out to unlock my door, "Yes we are, so go home and pack your shit."

"So demanding, would it kill you to say please," He feigns hurt.

I fix his necklace so the charm is dangling instead of the chain, "It would actually, which is why you should get in your car Evans."

He gives me a two finger salut as he walks away, "You got it Clemonte."

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