13) Observe

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Old Yellow Bricks- Artic Monkeys

"You looked me in the eyes a little too long to "not have feelings for me"."
-Pinterest (couldn't find author)

I sink under water, and have to pull my bottoms down before I come up. Geez this slide gives you a wedgie.

I come up coughing some, before swimming to the shallow end where Marcey is. I accidentally swallowed some of the fucking pool water. At least it didn't go up my nose. Whenever that happens it feels like someone is drilling a knife into my head.

Not fun.

"Hey Autumn! Wanna have a handstand contest on the grass?" She asks giddily. Well this is random.

"Uh yeah sure," I agree going over to the stairs of the pool to get out. We grab our clothes from the chair and head over to the lawn.

"Getting out already?" Lucas swims up to the edge.

"Nope, gonna have a handstand contest," I tell him, putting my top on.

"Why are you putting your shirt back on then?" Some no-namer asks us, also confused.

"Well ya know, extra caution in case my tits fall out of this bikini while I'm upside down," I give the guy a fake smile.

Some of the other people hear our conversation and join us, and to everyone else's surprise too, Reid joins as well.

"Alex can you count us off," I yell to him, since he's still in the pool.

He counts down from three and everyone goes on their hands. Less than five seconds in Finn, Xavier, and Luke fall.

Five more seconds pass and a blonde girl is down. It's Marcey, Reid, a no-namer girl, a no-namer boy and me left. Marcey and the guy fall a little after the blondie.

"How much time has passed?" She yells to Quinn who's stop watching everything.

"Twenty three seconds," She states. The other girl falls, "Twenty nine seconds," Quinn times.

Now it's just me and Reid.

"Go Autumn!" Marcey yells.

"Reid, dude, how the fuck are you still up?" Jesse yells at him and I'm wondering the same thing. My arms are tired. Can he give up soon?

"Thirty eight," Quinn updates us.

Good gravy I'm fucking dizzy.

I'm about to just give up, but his arms give out first.

"And the winner is Autumn at fifty seconds!" Quinn exclaims, stopping the timer. I fall into a backbend and lift myself up. I stand up, but fall right back down, giving up and I just sprawl my arms out on the ground and try to get my vision back.

Damn iron deficiency.

"My head feels heavy," I exhale on the ground, trying to get my blood flow back to normal.

Lucas walks over giving me his hand, "How'd you learn to stay up for so long?" He pulls me up.

"Self taught I guess, I had time, so I thought why not," I shrug, my balance still off.

"Can you do anything else like flips or something?" He questions.

"I could when I was younger. Let me try," If I break my neck right now, none of these guys better edit me with some fucking doves in the sky.

He follows me when I walk farther away from the pool. This is probably not the best idea when my eyesight went out less then a minute ago.

"Let's hope I don't break a limb," I joke, when in all honesty I could.

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