45) Popped Cherry

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World We Created-Giveon

"Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering."

-Nicole Krauss

It's the beginning of February, a new semester to be exact and also the last one of my high school experience. It's bitter sweet really.

New semesters mean different classes though, with different people.

This morning we all checked our schedules. I have my homeroom with Jess and Finn and one class with Olive, and another with Nolani, but that's it.

Thankfully lunches stay the same.

A sound downstairs has me rushing down the steps because I already know exactly who it is. Before opening the door, I hear his voice through it, "Knock, knock."

Is he really doing this? "Who's there?"

He sounds overly amused, "Beautiful."

I crack the door open, "Beautiful who?"

He comes inside and scoops me into a hug, "Beautiful you." I playfully roll my eyes, but a smile makes its way onto my face anyway. "Cheesy, but cute."

He pulls away and walks over to the kitchen. I follow behind him and hop up onto the counter.

"Is there a specific reason you are over here this early?"

"Well for one," Ingredients are placed on the counter while I listen to him, "I wanted to make you breakfast."

He pushes up his sleeves before grabbing a pan and setting it on the stovetop. There's no reason a person's arms should be that attractive.

"And two, I wanted to see you." The aisle turns on and heats up while he gets bacon from the fridge.

"Can you tie my hair back for me love?" He places the pack on the counter and comes to stand in between my legs while I'm sitting on the island.

I've got a hot boyfriend about to make me breakfast.

I give him a suspicious look, "Why can't you do it?" His cute smile widens at my question. "Because when you do it it looks better."

"I also just like your hands in my hair," He adds on.

Giving in, I motion for him to lean down when taking the hair tie off my wrist. His hair, for the most part, easily cooperates and stays contained within the elastic.

"What would I do without you?" He turns back around and puts bacon in the skillet.

"You're hair would probably catch on fire," I shrug in mock seriousness.

"Would you still like me if I had really short hair?"

"Is that a serious question?" A yes in the form of a hum is made.

"Of course I would dumbass. You could be bald for all I care. If you ever get a buzz cut can I dye a smiley face on your head though?"

His shoulders shake with silent laughter, "Sure."

"Oh my gosh wait, I could make flowers or hearts. Ooh! Or, or, like stars and stripes."

He twist his head towards me, "Have you thought about this before?"

"No, but now I am. Do you want me to cut it now? We have kitchen shears."

"I'll pass, but if I want a hairdresser you'll be the first person I call."

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