29) Drinks and Drives

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Flaming Hot Cheetos- Clairo

"I think no matter how much time passes by, I will always have a weak spot for you. And that terrifies the hell out of me."

- (via meerkuesse)

Reid's pov

Why is my phone ringing before my damn school alarm?

Ignore. Ignore. Ignore

Back to slee- who the fuck is calling me? I turn on my side and pat around for the annoying device. I squint a blurry eye open to answer the call, "Who the fu-"

"You better not finish that sentence you asshole."

"Autumn, what a pleasure. To what do I owe this wonderful call from you?" I sigh against the phone. She's lucky she's cute because I don't like people waking me up.

"You- hold on FaceTime me instead, so you can see," I call her and her face quickly pops up on the screen. I'm pretty sure we're in her bathroom.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" She says through the phone.

I set her up against a pillow and rest my head against my hand, propping my elbow up, "I was sleeping."

I can tell her eyes flicker down to my chest again, "Oh um well sorry then."

"It's okay," I give her a small smile.

"What am I supposed to be seeing?" I ask. She puts her phone down and positions it in front of something. She backs away, then bends down and moves hair off her shoulder.

"Do you see that?" She gives me a pointed look.

"Um what exactly?" The corner of my mouth tilts up in a smirk. Guess my fangs did a number on her...accidental number of course.

"The fucking hickey you gave me on my neck. You did this on purpose didn't you?" She traces the outline of it.

"I will neither confirm nor deny, but I can happily give you more," I run a hand through my hair grinning at her mouth closing shut.

"You- oh my gosh stop saying stuff like that you idiot."

"Wait back up from the camera," I tell her.

She steps back some, "More," She backs up further. She's wearing a tank top and fuzzy pajama pants with her hair out.

"Why did you want me to back up?" She puts her hand up to shake her hair.

"I wanted to see your outfit," I answer staring at her. I stare at her too much, but I can't fucking help it.

"Um okay," She fluffs her hair in the camera, "Are you doing the spirit day today?"

"What's today's theme?"

"It's pajama day," I get up and grab the black hoodie sitting on my dresser. "Done," I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face and set the phone on the counter.

"Of course you own the fucking guy pants," She playfully rolls her eyes. I look down to my pants, they're just red plaid pants.

I shrug off her comment and finish up in the bathroom. "Are you changing your septum out?" That was a dumb question. I'm looking at her taking her black horseshoe one out.

"Yeah, I'm putting my silver one back in," She responds sniffling picking up the next ring.

Her nose is cute.

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