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Sex, Drugs, Etc.- Beach Weather

Politeness has become so rare that people mistake it for flirtation

-(via psych-facts)

Back to Autumn's POV

"Why do you look like me when I'm picking between different Dorito flavors? Move your ass bitch," Quinn shoos me away with her hands.

I get up from my spot and walk over to where Theo is sitting.

He glances up at me, "Why are you standing beautiful?" Oh so now your mouth works?

"Well where do you expect me to sit?" I look around, no chairs dumbass. I'm sure as hell not dragging my chair over here just to talk to him.

"You had no trouble figuring it out earlier," He grins. Touché.

"Is this your take on flirting?" I question taking a seat between his legs. He takes my legs and throws them over his lap, so now I'm sideways against him.

Okay then.

"Whatever do you mean?" He takes a hit from the blunt before handing it to me.

I take a long draw and hand it back to him, "Thanks," I say causing him to smile back.


"You smoke a lot?" He asks blowing his cloud in the air.

"Not really, but when I do I like cigs better. You?"

"Only sometimes when I come to these type things," He signals to the party going on around us. "My parents caught me once and were fucking livid," He coughs and laughs at the same time.

"Smoking cigarettes isn't an unusual thing where I'm from, so the couple times my parents caught me they weren't that mad." They actually didn't care at all.

As long as I wasn't stealing their money or in their stash they barely cared what I did at all.

"Your parents sound chill," Such a simple statement, yet it makes me want to cry.

"You have no idea," I respond, taking the blunt back. My eyes are sure to be bloodshot once I'm done.

"Wanna trade? Mine are always getting on me for stupid shit," He laughs like what he said is was funny joke. In hindsight it is, it's not his fault he doesn't know all the fucked up stuff they've put me through.

After drinking he offers whatever is in his cup to me, "Want some?"

"I'm good," I say for like the 10th time tonight. I might do other things, but I will never touch alcohol. I've seen the effects first hand and I'd rather stay away from it.

I don't care if other people drink though, their choice not mine.

"Don't drink?" He asks, I shake my head.

"So you'll smoke, but not drink?" A smirk breaks out on his face.

"What the fuck are you smirking for? I don't have to drink if I don't want to."

He shrugs his shoulders and brings the blunt back up to his mouth, "You're right, you don't," He blows his smoke in my face.

"Asshole, maybe I don't want to drink because it's bad for you," I retort.

He sets his cup back on the ground and passes, what I wish was a cigarette, back to me so he can circle both his arms around my waist, "And weed isn't?"

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