43) Family and Festivities

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Love Is Only A Feeling- Joey Bada$$

"I loved you long before I had the guts to let you know"

-William Chapman

-Mature content in this chapter and by mature I mean a little spice after (***)

In about fifteen minutes we have to leave to attend the world's most awkward dinner.

My Mom decided that we'd be going to this fancy restaurant to meet her new boyfriend. I guess by "we" she meant Reid and I because she left already and told me the address.

"You can leave if you want. I don't know how tonight's going to go, so if you'd like to escape now I'd understand," I glance at him sitting on my bed.

"I don't need an out love. I told you I would go with you.

"I'm not offering you an out. It's more like advise."

He gets up and walks over to me, "Advice that puts everything on you."

His hands wrap around my waist, "Which I think you might believe that's how it should be, but you're wrong. Let me be here for you," I feel him kiss my hair.

"Want me to list the pros and cons of us going together for the next fifteen minutes?" The humor in his voice is obvious.

"I'm sure you'd list most pros," I playfully roll my eyes.

"The only con that I can think of is that I might not be paying attention to the conversation the whole time," He bends down to gently kiss my cheek.

"I mean how could I when you'll be sitting next to me," His lips move down to my neck then shoulder.

"So you'd rather stare at me than eat the amazing food," I laugh.

"What I'm hearing is that I'm picking between the girl I'm obsessed with and some other mundane option. Take a guess what my choice is."

The slow kisses don't stop as I pretend to think, "I mean the food might be really good."

"And you look really good," I pull away from him because his charm effect is affecting me too much right now when I have to finish getting ready.

Going over to my jewelry stand, I put on my necklaces and rings, and then make my way to my bathroom.

Hair slicked back and looking good- check

Makeup in tact- check

Dress still looks good on me- check

Boy in suit I can see in my peripheral taking a picture of me. I turn my head to the side and he's now acting as if his screen is more important.

I swear every time I catch him with his camera he never let's me see the pictures afterwards.

"Ready to go," He calls from my bed.

"As ready as I'll ever be."


We park near the front and the engine calmly goes silent, "We don't have to go in."

"I'll be fine," I say squeezing the hand I was messing with the entire car ride.

"The minute you want to leave, tell me," That will be the minute we walk in.

He comes over to my side and opens my door. We walk inside and tell the person at the front desk what party we're in. The entire restaurant is dimly lit, probably to create a more private feeling among guests.

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