34) On A Date

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Make You Mine- PUBLIC

"You are enough, a thousand times enough."

It's the following Friday after homecoming. A week after Reid kissed me.

A week since I kissed him for the first time.

During this seven day period, my Dad was discharged from the hospital. My Mom and I went to pick him up that Sunday.

They've been avoiding each other like the plague, but that was to be expected.

My conversations with both of them have been brief throughout the week. No one has been wanting to acknowledgment the weird tension of us all under the same roof again.

Dad looks better though, at least compared to the last time I saw him.

I haven't seen an empty beer bottle around, so I hope that's a good sign too.

Even if we haven't spoken I still keep an eye on him.

Because I can't seem to not somewhat care about a man who's hurt me too much. It's like I'm purposefully putting myself in a position to be hurt even though I know what the outcome will be.

It's annoying is what it is.

Arms over my shoulders and a kiss on my head knocks me from my train of thought. "Are you thinking about me love?" Reid's sarcastic voice from behind me floods my ears.

"You wish," He turns me around, so I'm facing him now.

"You okay?" His tone goes concerned.

Seven days of him.

"Yeah, just family stuff," I shrug wanting to think of something else. Preferably how he looks in a short sleeve t shirt.

His scattered tattoos that I love in full visibility.

"You really boost my ego when you stare at me like that y'know," His laugh draws my eyes up to his face.

"God forbid that," I roll my eyes.

"You busy?" He takes his keys out his pocket to unlock his car. It's after school and I was supposed to be hanging out with Quinn, but she had to do a raincheck because she got called in to do something for her drama program.

I checked on my Dad before I left earlier this morning and he seems fine.

I could work on my project for English, but it's not due till sometime next week. "Nope," I reply.

"Good lets go," He leads us to his car and opens his passenger side door for me.

I watch as he walks from my side to his and turns his engine on, "Um where exactly?" My eyebrows draw together.

"On a date," He responds casually pulling out of his parking spot. I almost choke on fucking air, "A date?"

"Yeah d-a-t-e, date. Sentence is, I'm taking you on a date," He says.

"What's the meaning?" I smile.

"Meaning is that you never leave my fucking head and that I really enjoy kissing you," He rests the hand not on the steering wheel on my upper thigh.

"Should I change for this date?" I ask hesitantly.

"Nope I quite like the outfit you're wearing now," I'm wearing a dark green top and baggy black jeans that have some rips in them.

"That heart of yours is what I plan to whoo and wow on this date, so get ready," His foot presses on the gas when the light turns green.

"So what are we going to do on this date?"

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