24) Dreams and Muffins

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Painkiller- RUEL

"you are my favorite feeling"

"If I was a worm would you still be friends with me?" I ask him randomly, curious for his answer.

He pauses to think, "Yeah I would."

"Elaborate please," I try to stop myself from laughing.

"Well one you'd be less annoying and a good listener," He points out.

"Rude," I narrow my eyes at him.

"But," He puts up a finger, "You'd be a cute worm," The sides of his lips tug up.

"I like you this way better though," He shrugs.

"Any reason why, cause you just said I'm annoying," I cross my arms to remind him.

"Yeah you are, but you're even prettier this way," He adds in.

"Alright children, cut off your worm shit conversation for a second and get in the car please," Harper yells out with a grin, walking down the hallway.

He gets up from the table and she signals for us both to hurry up.

"Autumn? Why aren't your legs moving?" She stops and turns around.

"Are you sure you want me to tag along, I mean you just came back home. I don't want to intrude on any sibling bonding time or something," I mess with my bracelet.

She gives me a small smile and whispers something to Reid that makes his ears go red, and earns her a glare as well.

"Autumn you wouldn't be 'tagging along', I appreciate how thoughtful you are though. I want you to come with us."

"Now let's go," She hurries out the door not waiting, for my response.

After a second or two of me still sitting at the table, Reid gets my attention, "Am I going to have to carry you again?"

"No," I shake my head and stand up, while he starts walking away.

A slight grin breaks out onto my face.

I quietly get out of the chair, and run up behind him to jump on him.

He stumbles, but still catches me,"Give me a fucking heads up next time would ya," He pushes me higher up on his back, and positions his hands underneath my upper thighs.

"Next time? Does that mean you'll be my personal chauffeur?" I joke.

"Would I be getting paid?" He walks us out the door.

"I'm sure we could work something out," I ruffle his hair.

"Would you ever let me do your hair?" I look at one of his wavey strands.

His hair is really soft.

"Possibly," He lets me down. Him and his sister share a look at his last statement. Harper gets in the front, and Reid and I take the back of the car.

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