Author Note <3

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Hiya everyone welcome to this longer than usual author note -apologies

Here in case you want to know in advance the main points I'll be saying in this a.n or you want to skim for certain stuff.: Amount of chapters for Autumn, Posting Chapters (like when I update), and Possibly A New Story Talk

1.     Okay firstly amount of chapters, I've been asked this, but I don't have a solid answer.

I change my mind about how many chapters I want a lot. First it was like 30, and clearly it's not anymore. Then it was like 40-50. Now it might be 45 or under, but now it might be close to 40 I'm not sure.

There's specific stuff I want to include before the story's over, but other than that it's just unplanned.

2.     Secondly, updating, the people who have been here a while know that my updates have progressively gotten sporadic. It used to be every 2-3 days when I was just pretty much writing for hours on end.

Then they started getting more spaced out. I post about once a week now and even though I wish it was more sometimes I don't have ideas, the motivation, or time to write.

That being said, when people constantly ask when a new chapter is coming out it can get kind of overwhelming. I'm okay with the occasional comments because to me it means you guys still care which makes me happy.

It's just when people are commenting on my conversation, dming me, and asking on every teaser I post that it kind of gets repetitive.

I'm not saying you can't ask, I love when you guys talk to me and are interested about the story.

Just maybe if you've seen a few other people comment and ask me please maybe wait for me to answer. -I really don't want that to sound mean

Writing has helped me so much and is a stress reliever for me at times. It helped me when I wasn't in the best place mentally this year.

While I'm talking so much here's a fun fact, I actually published this story earlier than June, but took it down not long after because I got scared.

Then months later I put it back up. I wanted to post, so I told myself I'd upload chapters for myself. Because I enjoy writing, I said I wouldn't let any negativity or lack of progress allow me to stop doing it.

Also I've been thinking of taking down the intro. I wrote having a slightly different personality for Autumn in mind. Some of you guys like it though so idk

3.     Okay last thing, my friend asked me the other day what I was going to do once I finished Autumn.

I thought about it and I might make a new story. I have something in my drafts that I'm kinda making ideas for. If I do decide to post it it will be a college romance because I feel I can have a little more freedom with that.

It might also be a little more serious than Autumn idk, but I'll still have funny moments and banter of course.

I might post a little bit of it for you guys once I get more stuff together.

Thank you
Um I think that's all if my brain comes up with anything else I'll just put it on my conversation

Thank you and much love to the people who check on me or comment sweet things. The people who have recommended this story to other people they know ily. Also the people who've been here from like the beginning you guys are real ones.

For those of you who don't know I literally have an album for story related stuff on my phone with ss of comments, reading list names I love that my story has been added to, and other stuff

Special thanks to the other authors who have encouraged me through this process and commented and just been really nice.

I love all of you so much.

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