26) Pools and Parties

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Die for You- The Weekend

"All I really want to know is what's running through your mind when you look at me."

-h.b (via wiildheartss on instagram)

(I suggest you listen to Pretty Boy by the Neighborhood or at least till 2:15 for this chapter)

Reids pov

"Shh you'll wake them up."

"Take the picture already," I hear Griff loudly whisper.

Shut up already.

"I think he's waking up," Alex says in a hushed voice.

"Correction you guys woke me up," I rub my eyes open.

I'm suddenly now aware of the random weight on my legs, I look down to see a pillow and Autumn laying on my lap. She's resting her head on her elbow which is on the pillow.

She's asleep still.

I forgot when I woke up earlier I saw her struggling to get comfortable. I put a pillow on my lap and offered for her to lay her head down.

Guess she took it.

I look back up at everyone huddled around the couch we're currently situated on.

"It's morning, why are you guys so loud?" I yawn.

"Reid did you forget what today is?" Lucas asks. I wait for him to give me the answer because it's just seeming like another day I didn't get enough fucking sleep.

"It's your birthday man, you're eighteen," He exclaims quietly. Damn, already.

"Hap-" I shake my hand in the air to stop everyone.

"Thank you guys, but can we sing a little later," I look down to Autumn. Somehow she hasn't woken up.

Their eyes all fall down to her, "Oh yeah, shouldn't one of us wake her up?" Jesse looks at us.

"I'll do it," Not right now though.

Everyone's smiles grow staring at the two of us.

"Stop fucking smiling you weirdos," I roll my eyes.

"We'll be in the rooms then, just remember Harper is coming later too," Luke reminds me.

I watch as they all leave throughout the door, but not before Quinn makes an obnoxious kissy face at me and Autumn. I flip her off, but hear her laugh in the hallway.

There's nothing going on between us.

Nothing serious at least.

My heart doesn't beat faster when I glance down at her sound asleep against me.

It doesn't beat faster when I see her chest rising and falling from her breaths.

It doesn't pick up the slightest tempo when I see her lips are puckered out more from her cheek being smushed against her arm.

Not at all.


"Autumn," I poke her forehead, her whole body is facing me, and her head is still in my lap.

She squirms then stills again.

"Autumn," I poke her cheek. She mumbles something incoherent and stays asleep.

"Love you've gotta wake up, we can't stay here all day," I tell her softly shaking her awake.

Her eyes flutter open, but close not long after, "Who made it so the sun has to be so fucking bright in the morning," She mumbles laying stomach up.

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