42) Lights, Cake, Mistletoe

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Out Of My League- Fitzs and the Tantrums

"He looks at her like he just realized what love is."
-Unknown author


"We're here!" Jesse exclaims from the driver's seat. I look out the window at the decorated town center. Lights, garnishes, and snowflakes dress up all of the shops. Our hotel inn is in walking distance of this wonderland.

I glance down to the boy who has his head leaning against my shoulder.

He ended up falling asleep when we got into traffic resulting in the trip being longer.

"You're the only one who can wake him up," Lucas says from the seat in front of me. "Let me rephrase that, the only one who can do it that won't piss him off."

We pull into a parking garage and start getting ready to get out.

"All in favor of the birthday girl doing it say I," He asks and everyone agrees.

"He's not mean when woken up."

"Obviously not to you because he probably dreams about you in his sleep," Lucas shakes his head to himself.

I turn back to the sleeping beauty next to me and move my shoulder in hopes of gently waking him up.

His eyebrows pinch together in annoyance before they pull apart when he sees me, "Oh hi baby," A small smile over takes his face.

"See what I mean, head over heels for you."

"Fuck off Luke, nobody asked for your accurate opinions."

"Autumn withhold kisses from him until he learns some damn manners okay," He whips his hair at him and turns back around in his seat.

Jesse parks the car and we all gather our stuff up.

Marcey opens the door and climbs out first followed by Olive, and Finn. Alex leaves from our row, which means Quinn's next, so I pick my bag up from between my feet. Reid pats my butt when he follows after me.


"Just appreciating," He says as our feet hit the concrete of the parking garage.

"Appreciating what?"

"Nothing you should worry about Griff," He smiles sweetly at him.

"Uh okay...anyways let's go get our rooms!" Walking over to the elevator, we already know it's not going to fit all of us. Lucas, Alex, Ol, and Quinn go down first.

Finn presses the button once we assume their down, "I swear if this thing stops as we're in it," Jesse mumbles.

"Would you rather take the stairs? We're on the forth level," Marcey reminds him and for a second it looks like he's considering it.

The levels flash as we go down and we're still in one piece once we reach the first floor.

The inn is thankfully only a few minutes away from this parking garage.

I looked at pictures of it once they told me the name and it looks like it would be in a bunch of winter holiday specials.


After checking in at the front desk, we get our key. The entire lobby screamed Christmas from the fake elves everywhere and the life sized Santa they had in the corner.

Apparently the group booked a suite type room because there's two bedrooms that come with attached bathrooms, a small kitchen area, and a common space.

Lucas opens the door first and we crowd in after him. Instead of two doors though there's three.

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