44) Bets and Requests

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So Damn Into You- Vlad Holiday

"You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person i have ever known.
—-and even that is an understatement."

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

Reid's pov

Break is going by quicker than I expected and hoped.

Though I shouldn't complain because it's been one of the best breaks of my life.

The group came over to my house the day after Autumn and I got our piercings and ended up spending the night.

She was so excited when we got to the shop. I told Jay that if he fucked her up I'd hold him down and tattoo a dick on his forehead.

Safe to say he didn't, and my baby was happy.

With the exception of Marce, Olive, and Jess, because they had prior family commitments, most of us are at Alex's house.

We're going to some New Years party one of Luke's other friends is having.

I originally wasn't going to attend because I could not have cared any less about it. But the fucker roped in Autumn knowing that would make me go.

"Stop being all pouty," The manipulator himself says walking into the living room where the guys and I are.

Quinn stole Autumn the second we walked in and pulled her upstairs.

"I'm here against my will," I tell him.

"No you're here because you love following Autumn around like a lost puppy," He laughs.

"All that girl has to say is a simple please and you're up and ready to give her anything," Alex chimes in. "If you were with her like I am you'd understand that it's impossible not to."

"Reid you're so sappy it's adorable," Griff gushes which makes me flip him off. "Don't go all Mr. Grumpy on me."

I roll my eyes, "Don't call me that."

"How does Audie put up with your moodiness?"

"The same way she deals with your immature ass."

"At least I have an ass," He stands up when the girls come down the stairs. "Quinn, Audie, who has a fatter ass? Me or Grumpystiltskin over here."

Quinn completely ignores his question and takes a seat beside Alex. "Sorry Finn, but I love my boyfriend's tush more." I feel her arms drape over my shoulders from behind the couch.

I feel my face heat up. God why couldn't she have just said like?

Every time she uses the word now my heart speeds up.

"Even after all this time I'm still not used to seeing you blush Reid," Luke's eyebrows pinch together as he shakes his head to himself.

"Shut up Luke," Her quietly laughing before kissing my cheek doesn't help it either.

"Let's make a deal," He proposes leaning forward like we're about to discuss something top secret.

"If you can go up until midnight without kissing her I'll refrain from teasing you for a whole week."

"And if we don't?" I question.

He leans back when Quinn taps him and whispers in his ear. "Then you," He points specifically to me, "Have to audition next month as a tree for the school play."

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