27) Friends

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Are We Still Friends- Tyler the Creator

"Your eyes stole all my words away."

After Reid's birthday on Saturday, we stayed in Acicester until Sunday afternoon.

He's been acting weird, well not weird, but off since then. Maybe it's just me, everyone else seems to think he's been acting normal.

I still don't understand why he fist bumped me though after I gave him his present.

Maybe that's just something he does with his friends...I don't fucking know okay.

"Guys Halloween is like a week away. Are we gonna do anything for it?" Marce turns to everyone at the lunch table.

"What if we do a scary movie night of something. Then after it, if we want, we can hit up a party," Jesse suggests spooning yogurt and granola into his mouth.

Olive types on her phone, "I actually like that idea, who's house?"

"We can do it at mine," Alex shrugs biting into his sandwich.

"You sure you're not sick of us? We always do stuff at your house," She playfully smiles.

"Trust me, I would've changed the locks a long time ago if I didn't like you guys coming to my house."

"Do you guys still want to dress up?" Marce says while brushing off Pop start crumbs from her shirt.

"Hell yeah!" Quinn shouts from her corner of the table.

"We gotta do a shitting your pants scary movies too or at least pissing," She pokes the air with her fork.

"Didn't you actually piss your pants at a movie we watched?" Alex smirks through his sandwich bite.

"Shut the fuck up you buzzcut Lorax, we don't bring it up."


"Are you going to dress up for Halloween?" Class hasn't started yet, so I turn my head to Reid who's on his phone.

"Not sure yet," He sets his phone down to look at me.

"I might, not sure as what though."

"You've still got some time to figure it out."

"You're right," I let a couple minutes of silence pass by.

"Hey are you um okay?" I hate when people ask me this question, so I don't know what makes me think I'll get an answer from him.

His head turns to me again, "Yeah why?"

"I don't know, you've just been acting a little different lately," I start scribbling on my paper to avoid eye contact.

I hear him weakly laughs at my accusation, "Different how?"

"More," I pause trying to find the word, "Distant."

"Oh, well I'm fine," I look at him.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry that was a weird thing to ask," I shake my head to myself. We're both silent for the rest of class and on the way to the next class, other than the occasional couple words.

I would've talked to him again during English, but we ended up having a partner activity.

He worked with someone else.

I don't know why I was disappointed when it was selfish of me to assume he'd want to work with me in the first place.

Putting the last thing in my book bag, I turn to him, "Wanna do something?"

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