Chapter 10

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The storm had passed just as the sky started to lighten. Me and philza didn't say a word about what happened last night ,and I preferred it that way. For some reason Philza stopped by a mountain ,I watched in confusion as he took a piece of paper out ,and scribbled something on it. Dream never taught me to read or write ,so when Philza handed me the paper I had no idea what it said. But when i tried to give it back he refused ,so I held onto it. Then we continued our trek to wherever he was leading me. Soon enough a wooden house came into view it had a empty stable. I followed him up the steps I hesitated at the door not knowing wether I should follow him in. That matter was soon resolved as Philza beckoned me in. As I enter I saw a enderman in a boat ,multiple chest that lined the walls ,and a simple small table with two chairs. I saw Philza about to leave so I went to follow him ,but he stopped me  " You stay here I'll be back later ,if Techno comes back before I do hand him the note." ,He said waiting for confirmation that I understood. I gave him a small nod then sat on the floor in the middle of the room. He gave me an amused smile at my choice seating then left. So I waited ,and waited. It was nearly night when I heard the sounds of a horse outside. Soon I heard heavy footsteps walking up to the door. The door opened revealing the man that I had fought when I injured Philza. "HEH HEH!" ,He pulled out his axe while I just stiffly sat on the floor watching him. I held out the note to him "HEH!" ,He snatched the note from me still keeping a grip on his axe. It was silent for a few moments until "HEH!" ,He shouted glancing at me then back at the note. Then that was when Philza decided to return.

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