Chapter 19

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I was finally excused after they had thoroughly examined the lock, and looked for weak points in the chain, which of course there were none. To my dismay, I ended up falling asleep, and so the nightmares began. I always hated being seen as weak. So here I sat having a breakdown scratching my arms, and scales. My breathing was ragged as it got harder and harder to take in air. I was shaking as my hands kept twitching over my skin. I felt my nails break through my skin and my scales peel back slightly letting blood dribble out. Small whines and whimpers left my mouth as I rocked myself back and forth holding my knees to my chest. I clenched my eyes shut as I heard someone start coming down the ladder. I flinched away from a hand that brushed my shoulder causing my nails to dig deeper under my scales, and skin. I felt someone grab my shoulders, and pull me into their chest. My whimpers died down as said person rocked me back and forth. I was pulled into their lap as they pried my fingers away from my arms. I felt soft wings wrap around me realizing it was Philza. I curled up into a ball tears still running down my cheeks as he whispered something to me that I couldn't hear. I was finally able to get air in my lungs again as my hearing came back. "Shhh, it's ok. I'm here. Calm down Eclipse.", he said softly rocking me back and forth. I calmed down as I started to drift back int the world of sleep. Before I drifted off to sleep I heard someone else come down the ladder, but I was too exhausted to see who it was. Then for probably the first time in my life, I fell into a peaceful slumber.

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