Chapter 11

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"PHILZA SHE TRIED TO KILL YOU ,AND YOU WANT TO BRING HER INTO THE HOUSE!" ,Techno yelled gesturing to the wound I inflicted on Philzas shoulder. Not liking the noise ,or how the pink haired man was swinging his axe around I was able to slip outside unnoticed ,and sat under one of the spruce trees a good way away from the house. The once empty stable was now occupied by a brown horse I noted as it neighed at me. I closed my eyes ,and enjoyed the silence ,but I heard snow crunching to my left. I saw a tall lanky man that was half black ,half white ,he was wearing a tux ,and dress shoes. Shifting uncomfortably at how tall he was I accidently alerted him of my presence. We stared at each other for awhile assessing one another. He had on a gold crown ,he also had a green eye ,and a red eye ,he was around 8'5 which dwarfed my small height of 5'3. He started walking towards the house glancing over his shoulder at me. After a few moments the door flew open as Philza ,the piglin ,and the tall one walked towards me. Pinky reached me first glaring at me as I stayed seated until the tall one walked up in which case I stood up backing away from him. I heard Philza cackle at my reaction as I eyes the tall one up and down as he towered over me. "Come on Techno another storms gonna pass through you and I both know that she won't make it through the night. Plus she's injured.... I mean look at her." ,Philza said as he looked at Techno pleadingly. "Fine she can stay one week. You hear that Phil ONE week. That doesn't mean she gets to laze around either she's helping out with chores." He said spinning on his heels going back inside the house. I was still staring down the tall one when Philza pushed the tall one back into the house. After the tall one went back into the house I returned my attention back to Philza. He clapped his hands together, "All right so you're going to be staying with us for a week so I think it's best you know their names. The piglin is Technoblade ,and the tall one is Ranboo. Come on let me show you where you'll be sleeping."

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