Chapter 63

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We were covered from head to toe in snow by the time we got back. Though Techno wouldn't let us in until we got all the snow off of us cause he didn't want it to melt in the house. We changed then went right back outside after Phil and Techno went to go check out a new government we commenced riding lessons. "So what you wanna do is keep your legs forward, and keep where you want to go in between the horses ears.", Ranboo said on the stables fence as I sat tensed on top of Aero. "And don't be nervous. If your nervous your mount will be nervous." , He added quickly as Aero started getting antsy. I gently nudged her with my heels urging her to move, but she did nothing. "You have to be bit more stern." I looked nervously at Rainbow then back to the thousand pound animal I was on. I took a deep breath than kicked Aeros flanks to which she bolted forward nearly immediately throwing me from her back, bit I held on for dear life. I yanked back on the reins in an attempt to get her to stop. Thankfully after a bit she finally slowed to a jerking trot. I sat up from where I was hunched over clinging to the saddle, and steered her back to Ranboo. When we reached him he grabbed her halter as I shakily slid out of the saddle. "That's one way to be introduced to riding." I heard a terribly familiar voice say. I shot up to see Quackity and Sapnap standing there weapons drawn. Ranboo stepped in front of me as Aero started pawing the ground nervously. "I think it would be best if you left now.", Ranboo said putting a hand on his own sword. "Is that so?"

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