Chapter 13

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He looked back at me expecting a shake or nod ,but I just avoided his gaze. "Hey you alright?" He asked crouching down infront of me. I saw when he understood because a sad look washed over his face. "Where are the rest of them?" ,He said quietly ,but I still didn't answer him. "Come on I can't help you of I don't know where to." ,He urged me. "My back...." ,I whispered ,but he heard me. "Ok, can you turn around for me ,and take off your shirt please." , He said softly. As I lifted my shirt over my head I heard him gasp.

Philzas P.O.V.

I gasped as she lifted her shirt up. Whip marks. New and old littered her back. It was easy to tell which ones were new. The newer ones were just barely starting to scab over ,and we're probably constantly irritated by her scratchy shirt. The older ones were either pink or white marks that went across her back ,but covered up by the newer ones. "I'm gonna go grab more bandages." ,I said as I climbed the ladder shakily. Techno and Ranboo were still up here chatting at he table ,so when they saw me lean against the wall breathing shakily they stood up worried. "The poor girl...." ,I said as I looked up at them. "What do you mean." ,Techno said gruffly. I looked him in the eye, "They whipped her. She has new and old whip marks on her back." ,I said in distress. "What? I thought she was Dreams asset." ,Techno said confused. "No. Shes more of a slave to him." ,I said I reached in a chest pulling out more bandages. "Ranboo can you bring down a new bowl of water." ,I said as I climbed back down the ladder. She was still in the same position she was when I left I set the bandages down as Ranboo came down with the bowl of water. He handed it to me ,and froze as a pure look of horror made its way onto his face as he saw the marks on her back. I nudged him ,and nodded to the ladder signalling for him to leave. I started cleaning the marks that were fresh. She flinched every time I touched the rag to her back. Slowly cleaning the blood off of her I posted more of the healing potion onto gauze holding it there while I wrapped her back up which was rather difficult with the chains in the way. Finally done I set the rag into the bowl. "Try and get some rest ok." ,I said as I climbed up the ladder.

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