Chapter 28

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"What's wrong?", Eret asked questioning. "My wings.....why can't I feel them?", I asked Eret panicking. Phil gave me a sad look. Eret picked me up bridal style making sure to be careful of my wings. He carried me out of the room and into a medium visiting area. He carefully set me down while he took a seat beside me. " lay down, please", he said patting his lap. I laid down, and he carefully grabbed my hand. "Squeeze my hand when it hurts, okay.", he said as I nodded. He started prodding my back not hard, but just to put enough pressure on it. So that's how it went for the next few hours he would prod at my back and wings and I squeezed his hand when I felt pain. Phil and Ranboo walked in some time at the end of his examination. He ruffled my hair when he was done, but I stayed in his lap. " So, what's wrong."
, Ranboo said worriedly. "Well her wings haven't been in their natural position for so long that they haven't had to support their weight. She has to learn to support her wings and build up strength in them too. Not only that, but having her wings in the place for so long that the muscles in her wings will cramp every time she moves them the tiniest bit.", Eret explained while Phil listened intently. " Don't worry it can be fixed, but it'll kinda be like physical therapy, and it'll be slow.", Eret finished giving Phil hope. " are we going to get her home if every little move hurts her?", Ranboo said speaking up for the first time. Eret thought for a moment before deciding. " Splints. We can use splints to help her wings reform in their natural shape , and heal.", he said happily. So they got to work. Ranboo gave me the rest of the healing potion, while Phil and Eret got to work on making the splint, and soon enough it was ready. Eret gave me a thick piece of leather to bite down on since he said that even with the healing potion it would be painful.  They waited for me to give them the go-ahead before they started. I gave them a firm nod.

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