Chapter 45

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Sam had calmed down and sheathed his weapon when he realized I wasn't sent by Dream. "So then what are you doing here?", he asked confused. I gasped and went around the corner to retrieve the basket. He warily looked at it probably expecting explosives, but when I opened it to show the food Inside his face went blank. " So let me get this straight, you went from an assassin for Dream to selling food?", he asked unconvinced. I shook my head then handed him a slice of pumpkin pie. "So your not selling food. You're handing it out for free.", he said taking the pie and examining it. I proudly nodded. "  I'm guessing Philza took you in.", he asked already knowing the answer. I nodded. "So, you ran away from Dream.", he said glancing around. Once the words left his mouth I realized how bad my situation was. I was in Dreams territory not sure how to get back. That's when things started going south. An arrow buried itself in my shoulder. I yelped out in pain and saw a pissed-off Sapnap at the edge of the clearing. I let out a whimper scared of what he would do to me when he caught me. Sapnap took out his sword and started stomping over to me, but that's when Sam did something I wasn't expecting. He stood between me and Sapnap unsheathing his sword. " Don't come any closer. This child is under my protection.", Sam shouted pointing his sword at Sapnap. I was surprised, to say the least. Sapnap looked at me. "This isn't over! You hear me bitch!", Sapnap shouted before walking away. A few minutes after Sapnap disappeared into the tree line Sam turned to me. " Let's get that arrow out, and bandaged.", he said as he dug through one of the chests that were placed randomly around the area.

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