Chapter 38

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"You need to constantly be on alert. You never know when someone will try to attack you.", Techno said as he circled me with his axe. I had a makeshift sling holding up my wings since couldn't move them yet. Phil had gotten me a change of clothes that I could train in.

 Phil had gotten me a change of clothes that I could train in

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I held an iron sword in one hand, and a shield in the other. He had his netharite axe in his hand and nothing in the other. He sprang forward and rained blow after blow upon me. I could barely block any of them, and the few that I did block with my shield sent a shock of pain up my arm from the force he was putting behind the blows. He finally stopped after a few minutes when he had me on the ground. His foot was on my chest forcing me to the ground along with the edge of his axe against my throat. My shield was in splinters a few feet away while my sword was behind him. In one quick move, I wrapped my tail around his calf and pulled. He fell to the ground, and I grabbed a large jagged piece of wood, that was part of my broken shield, and held it to his throat. We wrestled for a bit before he won, of course, and flipped us over so that the piece of wood now at my throat. He got up off of me signaling that we were done training today. " You're fast and quick-witted, I'll give you that.", Techno said in his monotone voice. Now anyone else would've taken that as an insult. But to me, that was probably the closest thing I've ever gotten as a compliment from him. So, I cheerfully grabbed my sword off the ground and ran to catch up to him. I of course kept my distance and stayed behind him but to where he could still see me. Us hybrids still had a sense of status if not ranks. For example, Techno he's high up in said ranks most likely second-highest, Phil is at the top since not even Techno will challenge him, Ranboo he's third since Techno values him, and then there's me. I'm at the bottom of course, but I don't mind I'm used to it, but it's better here than it was when I was with Dream.

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