hello fellow earthlings

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Hi everyone! Thank you to anyone who actually clicked on this book. This is my first ever book, so I apologize if there are typos or grammatical errors.

This was just something I started to try out writing, so if it's not good I'm sorry.

*Beginning chapters aren't the best but trust me it gets better*

I haven't planned the entirety of this story out yet, so if there's plot twist or secrets. They are just as a surprise to you as they are to my me, if that makes sense

You guys are pretty much on this journey with me, since I have no idea what I'm doing

Also I'm not sure if I like the cover, so I will most likely change it in the future.

And if I use a different language in this book, I will use Google Translate. I sincerely apologize if the wording is off. Feel free to correct it in the comments.


Some topics are listed down below!

This book will talk about some mature topics, some being

-mental illnesses
-sexual references or actions
-drug use
-strong language

*Not a Spencer Reid fic and is not mafia related*

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