Chapter Two

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11 years later

"Jess...Jessica wake up, you're going to be late for work" Bucky said shaking her awake

"What...?" She said confused and tried "Oh My God, I'm going to be late for work again." she said jumping out of bed.

"Be careful you don't hurt yourself, like a trip or something running around?" Bucky said laughing from the kitchen

Ten minutes later Jess came out of her room in her work uniform, it was a red dress that went just below the knees and a white apron at the front but only went around her waist.

"Do you want breakfast I made egg and toast if you want some?" Bucky asked while making scrambled egg

"No I'm fine thank you I'm going to be late for work...again. Oh but before I go did you get your orders yet" she said grabbing her handbag and her jacket

"Yeah, Sargent James Barnes, shipping of for England first thing in the morning" he replied confidently

"Oh well I'm going to miss you a lot," she said smiling trying not to get upset that her brother was going to be going to war to risk his life for their country

"I'm going to miss you too, and please don't worry I'll be fine I'm not leaving till the morin' so you still stuck with me" he chuckled "Hey where is my hug goodbye," he said with his arms stretched out

"Oh yeah sorry," she says hugging Bucky "I'm going to miss you so much Buck when you leave" looking up at him "Oh shit is that the time, I have to go I'm so sorry, I love you," she said rushing out the door

"God the girl keeps me on my toes all the time" he taught chuckling to himself shaking his head at the front door

When Jess arrived at her work, a local diner that Steve and Buck use to go to as kids, it wasn't always busy but when it was busy it got pretty busy. The payment was good but she didn't really mind, she had a friend that worked there but they were only close because they worked together.

"Jess where were you?" Said Sarah whispered as Jess rushed into the back room where she put her jacket and her handbag

"I woke up late, again, where is Paul is he not here yet," Jess said putting her stuff on a shelf, Paul was her boss he was a nice man but he just didn't like anyone being late, and Jess was late a lot

"No but yes he's not here now but he ran out to his car to get something he went just when you came in so-" she was cut off by Paul

"Jessica..." she said with his hand crossed over his chest "where were you this morning?"

"Sorry Paul, I got caught talking to my brother about him getting into the army," she said sheepishly

"It's fine, just try to be a bit more early for now on. But when is your brother leaving for the war?" She said less professional

"Tomorrow morning, I think he said," she said tying up her hair in a high ponytail

"Oh well you two get out there and start working, you were I am if you need me," he said kindly and smiling

"Yeah thanks, Paul," both Sarah and Jess said smiling at him and they walked out to the front of the diner, there was already people eating and people working when they went out. Jess looked at the clock on the wall and it said 7:45

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