Chapter Ten

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For the past couple of days, I have been in a ritual, some guards would come and bring me to the training room,

I beat up all the guards while getting a good few blows as well. That would go on for about an hour or two, then they would drag me back to "my" cell and say there for the rest of the day.

I really don't know how long I have been in this shit hole, but all I know is it's been over a week and I've only been feed this sloppy shit and don't taste the best, I've only gotten the "food" three times,

Every two fucking days I get fed, but I don't complain, well one because it tastes like shit and I'd rather eat nothing that than, but I need to eat to survive so..... yeah, and two I don't want to get punished, what happens when I get punished is they strap me down onto a wooden table and inject something into me, it's clear like water and at first, I did think it was water.

But of course, it's not water, it's like my body gets so weak that I can barely stand with people holding me up, and then well the guards would have the pleasure of beating me up. He said he has to inject me because he said I'm not ready to comply,

Like he thinks I'll ever listen to him, yes I have a "smart mouth" that's what they call it, but to be completely honest I call it my mouth, I've always talked that that.

I was sitting on the hard ground and my legs curled up in front of me, lying on their side and my eyes closed, I was away but not fully awake to know what was going on.

I woke up to the sound of something hitting the cell, slowly opened my eyes to see two guards one with keys and the other had a big weapon,

"Can't a girl get her beauty sleep?" I said with a sleep voice and my eyes

They just opened the cell and I got up and followed them, the one with the keys grabbed my bicep like usual and the other just walked in front,

"You know you can be a bit lighter on the grip you know, for blood circulation," I said sarcastically looking at him, but he just ignored me.

Once we got to the training room, I walked over to Matt, and cracked my knuckles "ok which bitches am I fighting today"

This time instead of one-two guard came up, "well, well, well, you finally listened to me, it might be a bit fairer now" I said while looking at the guy in charge, he was tall and had brown hair, his skin was a bit crinkly and he looked about mid thirty's

"Fight" he yelled and in a blink of an eye the two guards charged at me, I knew the best option here was to embrace the fight to I ran up to one of the guards and he attempted to punch me, I crouched down and came back up as fast and punched him in the stomach, at this point the other guard was behind me, he had picked me up from behind and I wrapped my leg behind me and they went around his waist. I used all my body weight and flipped him over, I always used my gymnastics and ballet skill while fight, Bucky said it was a better way to fight.

At this point the guy was on the floor face up and I got up and kicked him in the face with that the first guard was running up to me, I didn't see him coming behind me and he kicked me in the back, I stumbled forward, and when I turned around he was ready to punch me in the face, I didn't hear my nose crunch but I felt my face hurt a bit, I felt my nose bleed and I bruise from around my eye, but didn't stop me,

I punched him in the face and he stumbled back and I then kicked him in the chest and he fell back I stabbed his waist with my legs and punched him in the face a couple of times and then got off of him and looked around at everyone.

"Next two" he yelled again, and the fight went on, two guards came running at me, one at either side, I just stood there in a fight stance and glance at the one on my left, then my right and my left and my right soon there were a couple of feet away and I stepped back and they crashed into each other, and fell on their backs

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