Chapter Three

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That day was like any normal day, the same people that came in for breakfast in the morning or lunch but after 12 o'clock more people started to come in.

"Hey, do you know why there are more people today? Like I've never seen half these people that are here before" Jess asked Sarah who was making a drink for someone.

"No, I was actually going to ask you. Well, I think the Stark Expo has something to do with it" she said while walking away with the drink.

"Stark Expo...? I taught that wasn't for another couple of days if not weeks" she muttered to herself while shrugging

"Hello, is nobody got to take out order," a man said pissed off while snapping his fingers at the girls behind the counter

Jess sighed "I'll take this one," she said while walking over with pen and paper in hand "Sorry for the wait, so what can I get you, fellas?"

"Three burgers and fries with two cokes and a water, love" a man said while smiling like a creep, Jess just rolled her eyes and wrote it down on the piece

"Sure thing, coming right up," she said walking away " oh man, why do I put up with this bullshit?" She muttered to herself

"How did that go for you," Sarah said trying her best not to laugh

"I really can't be dealing with this right now. I don't know how I put up with this bullshit" Jess reply pinching the bridge of her nose while Sarah just laughed

"You know you could always just leave," Sarah said while smiling kindly

"Then what do I do? Where will I work then?" She said while chuckling "Don't get me wrong, I don't hate working here I love working here it's just, I can't deal with men and their bullshit" just then the food was ready

"You better get going with their food, don't wanna keep 'em waiting," Sarah said pointing to the food on a tray

"Ok, so three burgers and fries and two cokes and a water." She placed the food on the table "And here is your recipe it will be $15, you can pay when you finished" she placed the recipe on the table and the guy grabbed her hand

"Why don't you come to sit with us sweetheart," she said while trying to pull her down on the seat

"I think I'm fine thank you, I'd rather do something more entertaining than sitting with you fellas," she said with a sarcastic smile and pulling her hand away

"Come on just sit with us, we won't hurt you," another guy said

"Oh I know you won't hurt me, 'cause after I give you a warning I don't think your mess with me" she replied drying with a glare and walked away

"Wow, yeah I don't think they would wanna mess with you now," Sarah said grinning


Near the end of her shift, Jess was cleaning the tables and counters, there were not many people in the Diner anymore, they were only the normal few who came after work to get something to eat. Just when she was finished cleaning all the messy tables she heard the bell ring at the door

"Oh for fuck sake, more cleaning for me to do" she muttered to herself and then she felt a pair of hands wrap around her she suddenly turned around to hit who it was when she saw Bucky and Steve "What the hell Buck!" While playfully
hitting his arm

"We came to get some food, we were hungry and we knew this place didn't close for a while," Steve said from beside Bucky

"Oh my god what happened your face," Jess said while walking over to him

"Oh it's nothing don't worry about it," Steve said while walking over to the counter and Bucky followed

"So what can I get your fellas? The usual? " Jess said while leaning against the back of the counter and having her arms holding her up

"You know us too well Jess" Bucky replied while looking at a newspaper on the counter " oh and when is your shift over, we need to get you cleaned up"

"Not till another hour why?" Writing down the boy's orders and looking at both of them confused

"Buck wants us to go to the Stark Expo with him," Steve said while playing with a jar of salt

"Oh yeah I heard people talking about that I didn't think it was for another couple of days," she said placing the order into the kitchen

"Yeah well you both coming, come on its last night before I go to England," Bucky said placing the newspaper back onto the counter and looking at the two of them "I will be fine Jess don't worry," he said while giving her a reassuring smile and holding her hand

"Yeah ok, your right." She sighed and smiling back "And what about you Steve any look in getting in"

"No. Not yet" he said looking down

"Well It's their own fault for not letting you join" she reassured him
"If you guys wanna stay and wait for my shift to finish you can" giving them their food

"Well, I have nothing better to do so yeah, what about you Steve?" Bucky said looking at both of them

"Yeah I'll wait as well," he said smiling at both of them

Sorry for posting late today my teachers are giving me A LOT of work to do. This one was a bit longer than the other (I think it seemed longer while writing it) Sorry if you don't like it and I hope you have a lovely day/night and thank you so much

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