Chapter Four

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Jess's POV
After I finished my shift at the Diner Buck and Steve where just sitting at the counter talking about..... what every they talk about, I never bother to ask anymore because there's really no point half the time I don't know what there talking about.

I went into the back room to grab my things, hand bag, check, jacket, check. I walked out to find the both of them laughing like idiots, but it made me chuckle a little "You fella's ready to go my shift is over." I said to the two who where in hysterics.

"Oh yeah, we're comin'." Buck said while trying to catch his breath

The three of us walked back to our place, by that I mean me and Bucky, but Steve just comes over so much it's like he lives here two.

"Ok you go get ready Jess my and Buck will be here." Said said while making himself at home in the living room lying on the couch and looking a an old news paper for a couple of weeks ago

"Yeah but don't take to long, I got me a date" Bucky said with a cheeky smile

"Wait, what" Steve sat up instantly

"Ok I'll let you fella's have a nice girl talk while I get ready" I said trying to get away with out laughing
"I don't see what the problem is." Bucky said to Steve while we where walking to the Stark Expo "You're about to be the last eligible man in New York, you know there is only three and a half woman her"

"Yeah and I'm the best out of all of them" I said while laughing and both Steve and Buck looked at me with a "seriously" look. "What it's true, you told me never to lie and I'm not." I said with a cheeky grin

"Yeah well I would settle for just one" Steve said trying to get back to the subject and looking at the ground

"Good thing I took care of that" Bucky said while waving at two girls

"Hey Bucky" one of the girls shouted, she seemed like a bitch and I already new I wasn't going to like her

"She seems like a bitch" I muttered to myself but Bucky elbowed me in my arm to let me know that he had heard me and I just rolled my eyes

"What did you tell her about me" Steve said nervelessly

"Only the good stuff" Buck said with a small but cheeky smile and I just sighed

We walked in Bucky was holding one of the girls hand and Steve and I were just in the back Steve had a bag of candy in his hand and I kinda felt like one so I went to look in my hand bag for money but couldn't find any Bucky and the bitch and her bitch side kick were looking at some sore of.... to be honest I have no idea

"Hey Buck" I said while tapping his free arm

"Hmmm?" He hummed and turned his head and so the girls and both girls gave me a look like I was a stranger

"Can I have some money" I said with an innocent smile

"What no, are you serious?" He said while shaking his head but I could see he was trying to hold back a smile, to the blind eye no one would see it but since he is my brother and my twin like he says "you just know me to well"

"Bucky who is she" the girl holding Bucky's arm whispers but she's not very good cause I could hear her

"Bitch" I said in a pissed of tone "Any ways if I wasn't serious I wouldn't be asking, so please can I have some money only for some candy I'll think about paying you back...this time" I said innocently with puppy eyes

He just sighted and reached into his pocket and took out his wallet and five dollars and handed it to me "be careful"

"Always am" I said winking to him and started walking away with a smirk

"Don't get into any trouble, again" he said loudly just so I could hear from about a meter away

I soffed and put a hand over my heart pretending it hurt "Never." And the smirked and walked away

I went over to a small shop and bought a bag of candy and walked back to the rest eating it they were looking at Howard Stark showing off his car that was floating I heard buck say "holy cow" and then suddenly if fell back to the ground it was only a couple of inches of the ground like maybe 15 but when I did I chuckle a little

"I did say a few years didn't I" stark said trying to cover his tracks

"Hey Steve what do you say we treat these girls..." he said while turning around "did you see where Steve went?" he asked me and I shrugged while eating the candy I got "Stay here I'm going to find him"

"What no, your not leaving me here-" and with that he was gone and I didn't get to finish my sentence

"Hey where did sarge go, wait sorry I mean Bucky" one of the girls said I started to think the other one didn't know how to talk because she never did her friend did all the talking

"I don't know I'm going to go look for him" I said while walking away

I found Bucky and steve talking and I walked up to them.

"We're really going to do this again" Buck said like he was annoyed and I didn't need to hear any more to know what they were talking about

"Well it's a fare gonna try my luck" Steve said trying to convince Bucky while I was standing awkwardly at both their sides

"That's who Steve from Ohio, they'll catch you worse they'll actually take you" Bucky said annoyed but with a bit of concern

"Look I know you don't think I can do this-" Steve started and Bucky cut him off

"This isn't about back ally's Steve, its war-" Bucky tried to say but was cut of by Steve

"I know it's a war-" and again he was cut off but Bucky

"There's so many important jobs" Bucky said

"So what do you want me to do, collect scraps?-" Steve asked and you guessed was cut off my Buck

"Yes" and then at this point I just zoned out

I came back when Bucky said "don't do anything stupid till I get back" while walking away

"How can I, your taking all the stupid with you" Steve shot back that made me laugh a little

"Your a punk" Bucky said walking back to give Steve a hug "jerk" Steve replies with

Bucky then turns to me and gives me a tight hug and rests his chin on my head he is only an inch or two shorter than me so yeah "And you I'm going to miss you a lot"

"I love you so much buck" my voice cracking a bit but I didn't mind

" I love you to, Jess" and he planted a kiss on my forehead and walked away and made a salute toward me and Steve

Sorry this one was a bit longer than the others I just wanted to get it all in, in one part so I didn't have to make to and make you wait until tomorrow
And again have a great day/night xox

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