Chapter Seven

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During it was quiet, only the usual few that come in for breakfast, lunch and dinner

But again I felt weird the entire day like someone was look at me. But I just push it aside. Then as I cleaning the counter at 4.25 pm, a man comes up and sits at the counter

"Hey, can I get you anything, if not give me a shout," I asked the man with a smile on my face

He just lifted his head and gave me a creepy grin "thank you sweetheart, but  I don't need anything" not breaking eye contact

"I would prefer if you didn't call me sweetheart," I said while giving him a slight glare still not breaking eye contact "In that case if you need anything just ask" and I walked away. But I swear I heard this man talk in a different language after I walked away

During the day I was keeping an eye on the guy, about 40-50 minutes after we talked I got up and left.

Just as he was leaving Steve walked in with a smile on his face, he walked over to the counter and sat down

"I can't stay long I have to leave in about an hour but I came to see you before I left," he said with a sad smile on his face

I got around the counter and walked over to him and gave him a hug "I'm glad you came to see me before you left" I said with a sad smile as well

"No can you get me my usual, please," he said with a big smile on his face

I gave him a smirk and walked behind the counter again "Sure thing, kind sir" I said with a chuckle, I wrote down his order and place it in the window in the kitchen to get it cooked for him

"So how has your day been so far?" I asked him while we wait

"I've been really nervous, but happy at the same time" he replied sheepishly

"Well, there's no need to be nervous, your going to do amazing." Reassuring him  "But I'm always going to be a better fighter and better looking," I say with a cheeky grin and a small laugh

He laughs "yeah, that is true" and then smiles at the end

I just laughed and nodded my head, then a bell dinged and his food was ready. I handed him his plate

"So how was your day?" He said while eating his food

"Yeah, it was okay. Well there was this weird-ass guy and he was just sitting at the counter where I was, but he was there for nearly an hour just reading the paper." I told him

"Do you think it's the same guy that your friend was talking about yesterday?" Steve asked while taking a sip of his drink and placing it back down again in the same spot

"I don't know, he wasn't wearing a trench coat or sunglasses, but he was kinda creepy" I suspiciously and then thinking about what happened

"Are you going to tell your boss?" He asked

"No I don't think it's important, I say it's just some guy trying to hit on me, he did call me sweetheart after all," I said leaning up against the back of the counter

"I wonder how that went," he said laughing trying not to choke on his food

"Yeah, I just told him not to call me that. And I may have given him a bit of a glare" I said while laughing

He just laughed and finished up his food and took out his money and paid.

"I really wish I could stay longer, but I have to go sorry," I said while paying

"Stevie you don't need to apologize, you need to go, you need to go. But I am going to be mad at you if you don't hug me before you go" I said with a slight smirk

He hugged me for the last time before he went off to war and he left. He waved at me and I waved back with a big smile.

The rest of the day was fine no more creepy people and when I was walking home I did feel like anyone was following me.

But still, I locked my door and put my jacket on the coat rack. I sat down at the kitchen counter and pulled out the letter that Bucky had written to me,

"Maybe I should write back now," I said to myself as I got a pen and started writing

Dear Bucky,
I hope you are well and safe. I hope you are not injured or badly hurt. Or worse dead, because if you are I will find a way to bring you back and kill you myself. You are missed a lot here, the apartment is so quiet without you here. I don't know if you know but Stevie got into the war. He seems happy but he also seems nervous as well. I hope you're not getting in too much trouble as well, I'm not getting in any trouble either. Sadly. I miss you so much and love you so much too.
Love you lots,
Jessica Barnes
Ps. Don't worry about me I can take care of myself, so no need to worry about my safety.

I fold over the letter and put it back in an envelope and ceil it. I then wrote the address on the out of the envelope.

I put it on the counter beside the one Bucky gave me and noticed a little bump in the envelope, I open it and see another letter it's small enough for me not to see. The letter says

Hey little sis,
I forgot to give you this before I left so I'm giving it to you now. Sorry about not putting this in the other letter. I didn't have enough space. I miss you so much.

I look at what he gave me, it's a small gold heart necklace, wait no, it's a locket, I open it up and there is a picture of me Stevie and Bucky when we were young, it was at Steve's 10th birthday and we were at a park with our parents and in the other one it was we and Bucky on our 17th birthday.

I get up and go over to the mirror and put on the locket and look down at it. I hold it in the palm of my hand and close fist my hand and hold it against my heart.

I went back to the letter and at the bottom of the ps I wrote

Also thank you so much for the locket I love it so much just as much as I love you.

I then went over to my bedroom and got dressed for bed. I wasn't hungry when I came home from work as I ate at work. I fell asleep holding the locket that Bucky had gotten me, and fell asleep smile

I hope you guys like the news, this one was really interesting, Steve left for the war, Bucky has already gone to the war.
And who is the guy in the trench coat?!
And again, stay safe love you lots
Have a good day/night xoxo ♡☆♡☆

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