Chapter Twenty

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The Winter Soldier's POV

For the past month or two maybe (it's kind of hard to track time) I and stri have been training and learning languages, we haven't had any missions, yet sadly. We basically wake up before the sun rises and go to the training room, I think they trust us enough cause we don't get assorted anymore, but we train for hours, hand to hand combat, guns, daggers, boxing, fighting with weapons. That sort of stuff.

Around maybe noon we go back to our cell where there are two trays, they have food on them. Let's just say the food is not the nicest. Buts it's the only bit we get so we eat it anyways. For the rest of the day, we are locked up in our cell, thankfully we have books. But the books are like dictionaries, so it helps us learn all the languages we are assigned to learn. Out of all the languages I have to learn I'm fluent in Russian, English, Spanish, German, Japanese, Romanian and Portuguese. I'm still learning Latin but I'm almost fluent.

As for strike on the other hand she has been learning the languages quickly as she has to learn lots more than me. She's fluent in Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and Latin. She's learning Romanian at the moment she still needs to learn Bulgarian, Hungarian, Czech and Arabic. We both help each other with it, as she knows Latin and I'm learning it she helps me out and I help her out with Romanian.

While we have been here I have only had a couple of punishments for taking out of turn or something small like breaking a punching bag, well I am an assassin I should be about to do these things, right? But Stri on the other hand has a well bitchy mouth, she asks a lot of questions and doesn't give a fuck about getting a punishment. Most of the time it's water bordering or they press the remote, which gives her a shock, must be painful as she collapses to the ground and screams in agony. But sometimes they beat her up until she is nearly dead, but thanks to the super-soldier serum we heal faster than normal.

Sometimes they give her undercover work as that's one of her good skills, hiding in plain sight. I say she could take down a whole city in under a day if you let her. Most of the time she is sent to get information from.... high up company's? I don't really know, she never really talks about it she only tells me that she is told to get very important information. The longest she has been away for is a day, but she was punished for coming back late.

The Strike Soldier's POV

Winter and I were in our cell I was helping him learn Latin, he is quite good but not fluent, on the other hand, I'm fluent. And he is also helping me with Romanian. "Так скажи мне, что такое, можешь показать мне ближайший отель?" I asked him as he was lying on his bunk I was on mine,
(So can you tell me how to say, can you show me to the nearest hotel, is?)

"Tu mihi domum ad nearest?" He said a bit doubtful in what he said.
(Can you show me to the nearest house?)

"закрыть," I said while looking at my Romanian dictionary. "ты хочешь попробовать еще раз?"
(Close) (Do you wanna try again?)

"proximus mihi ostendis velit?" He said again this time more confident, it's hard to hear the emotion in our voice as we are weapons, we are not supposed to show emotions, well unless I'm on an undercover mission, but we know each other so well that we know from each other's voices.
(can you show me to the nearest hotel)

"хороший," I said and just then guards came and banged their guns on the cell bars to let up know to get our asses up and follow them.

I got off the bed and winter stood up and we followed the guards to Karpov's office, when we walked in we stood in front of his desk. "добрый день, солдаты. У меня есть миссия для вас обоих." He said while handing us a file.
(Good afternoon, soldiers. I have a mission for you both)

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