Chapter Twenty-Three

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I'm eyes started to flutter open to see the cryo-tube being opening. I tried my hardest not to rattle my teeth or shake, so I started breathing through my mouth. Like normal two guards came and pulled me out and dragged me out of the fridge.

We walked into the iconic room of memory wiping, they shoved me down and the chair and before I could readjust myself on the chair the door was opened and winter was thrown into the chair beside me.

What are we? Fucking rag dolls. Or your very own dogs. We do what you tell us to do.

The claps came around my wrists and ankles, and the doctor and put a black mouthpiece to my mouth. I licked my lips and opened my mouth. At this point, my breathing was becoming heavier by the second. I swear even wint could hear my heartbeat, for how loud it was breathing. When the clamps came over my biceps that was when I started counting.







All I can hear is winters death scream, my death screams and the triggers word. After a while, all of that became background noise to the electric pain flowing its way through my body.

The fact that they're wiping me isn't enough for them please, they have to use the trigger word that also pains as well

After a while, the helmet lifted and I jolted forward a bit while panting and sweating. "доброе утро, солдаты" Karpov said while placing the book on a metal table beside winter.
(Good morning soldiers)

"готов подчиниться." Winter and I said in sync while staring blankly into the distance.
(Ready to comply)

"У меня есть миссия для вас обоих." He said and the clamps around our biceps, wrist and ankles came off,
(I have a mission for the both of you)

We both got up and walk over and stood in front of him, hands at our sides. He handed a folder over to winter and I looked over at it.

Джон Фицджеральд Кеннеди

сорок шесть

Дата рождения:
29 мая 1917 г.

место рождения:
Бруклин, Массачусетс

президент США

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Fourthly six

Date of birth:
May 29, 1917

Brookline, Massachusetts

Position of employment:
President of the United States)

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