Chapter Twenty-One

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The next morning I had to wake up winter as our flight to Spain was at three in the morning, "Зимой просыпаемся, через час надо выезжать." I called from the so-called bathroom in our cell. He groaned and got up.
(winter wake up, we have to leave in an hour.)

He walked into the bathroom and brushed out his hair with his fingers and splashed a bit of cold water on his face, it's not like we have a choice of hot or cold water, it's always cold. I went walked out of the bathroom and got the bags at the bed of the bed and waited for the guards to open up the cell. It was currently I say an hour or two before three in the morning. It's hard to know the time when there is no clock in the cell.

After about twenty minutes of waiting for the guard, we were dressed in 'normal' clothes, a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt and I tied my hair in French braids and winter had black jeans and a grey hoodie. Like usual, the guards banged on the cell bars and we got up and followed them. Since we are going as two random people we had to ride two separate bikes. We got our helmets and went on our way to the airport. I arrived first and the back left of the airport car park, and winter arrived about ten minutes after me and parked at the middle right.

We walked in and got our IDs and Caps out of our bags. We also put our bike helmets in the bags. I always love doing these undercover missions. For starter I get out of the base, I also get to see what year it is. Like now it's 1951. Also when I go undercover I usually stay at a hotel and the beds and food is amazing. But it's definitely not five stars but it's definitely better than a cold call.

"Покажи немного эмоций. Вот как тебя не поймают." I whisper into winters ear, as I knew he was going to blow our cover with an emotionless face
(Show a bit of emotion. That's how you don't get caught.)

He just nodded and we went to board our plane, I had told winter not to pack any weapons for the flight as we might get caught, which is highly unlikely but we would get better weapons in the hotel room. We boarded our plane and got to our seats. "Добро пожаловать, дамы и господа, этот рейс будет лететь в Барселону, Испания. Надеюсь, вам понравится полет." The captain said while we were waiting for the plane to start.
(Welcome ladies and gentlemen, this flight will be going to Barcelona, Spain. Hope you enjoy the flight.)

For the whole flight, I had my baseball cap on and so did wint, we also tried not to sleep. But it's kind of hard not to, so I slept for about three hours and wint slept for about five. Winter was about seven rows ahead of me so we could keep an eye on each other. Twenty two hours later the flight landed,"Bine ați venit doamnelor și domnilor, la Barcelona, ​​Spania. Sper că ți-a plăcut zborul." The Captain said
(Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to Barcelona, Spain. Hope you enjoyed the flight.)

Everyone got off the plane and went to get their bags, but the people like me and wint who kept their bags on them just left the airport. I and winter were looking for a guy with a poster with 'Angelina Lopez' and 'Diego Morales'. Winter must have found him first as he was in the car when I approached the guy. "Ești unul dintre gemenii de iarnă?" He asked in Russian as he must be working for Hydra, I simply nodded and he opened the car door for me and I got in.
(Are you one of the winter twins?)

The car journey was quiet, I could see a bit of sweat on the guy's forehead, the car windows were open and it wasn't even that hot, and I didn't take a genius to know he was nervous with us in the car. He kept looking back at us in the rearview mirror. After about twenty minutes of a car journey, we arrived at the hotel where the gala was supposed to be at. I and winter got out of the car not even thanking the guy, sure why should we, he only drove us to the hotel. Anyways we walked into the lobby, I went to the restroom and waited for winter to get his room first, so it wasn't suspicious. Ten minutes later I walked up to the counter. "Hola estoy aquí, para conseguir mi habitación. Creo que lo reservé hace uno o dos días." I said to the lady at the front desk with a smile.
(hi I'm here, to get my room. I think I booked it about a day or two ago.)

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