Chapter Thirty-Two

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After what happened on the rooftop the other day with Natalie and me. Things have been.... awkward. You could say. Well, I still give her private lesions and causes. Well, I have to. Orders are orders, right. But we haven't been up on the rooftop since that day and it's been about a week now. I still haven't told Winter, but he definitely knows somethings up. Like every time he asked about that time I shut him off and change the subject or walk away. I don't really walk away, I usually just change the subject and he gets the hit to stop talking about it. At that moment.

"Soldiers, in Madams B's office now," Karpov demanded while Winter and I -Well when I mean Winter and I, I mean me. Winter was just watching as he had nothing to do. I was teaching a bunch of girls ballet.

Winter and I gave a solid nod at Karpov and we followed him out leaving the girls in the room. We followed him to Madam B's office and stood in front of the desk. Back up straight hands flat at our sides. Madam B and Karpov stood behind the desk. Karpov had his arms crossed over his chest and Madam B sat at her desk looking pretty pissed.

Winter and I waited for them to started talking first. As that's what we're supposed to do. "Strike Soldier can you tell what you have been doing with Natalie when you train her." Madam B demanded. This is when having an emotionless face comes in handy. I don't show emotions so I shouldn't be worried I can lie easily. Am amazing at that.

"Nothing that was are supposed to be doing, Madam B. Training that is all." I replayed smoothly and emotionless.

Bitch I have got this. They don't suspect a thing. I hope. Oh, God.

"Well can you tell me why Natalie gets to bed after sunset?" Madam B asked super pissed and annoyed at me.

She definitely suspects something. FUCK IM AM SO DEAD.

"I like to push her hard. That sometimes means going past sunset." I say calmly and emotionless. And I can practically feel Winters nerves like radiation waves from standing beside me.

"Soldier you know you can't lie to me or Madam B." Karpov spoke up sternly nearly shouting. I turned to look at him and I nodded at him.

"I know that, sir. That is why I have not lied" I told him with a slight nod of the head. Winter was still silent from beside me. Thank god. I don't want to think what Karpov or Madam B will do if he speaks up.

He sighed in defeat and looked super pissed at me "Go back to work soldiers. If I find out you've lied to me there will be a huge punishment. And both of you know that." He told us and winter and I nod and walk out of the room.

"What actually happened. And I'm not going to shut up this time. I might be able to do this if I know every detail." Winter said while we were walking back to the girls waiting for us. I just ignored him and kept walking. He grunted and grabbed my arm. "Tell me. Please." He whispered

I sighed in defeat and I closed my eyes and pulled him into the room that the girls were waiting for "Eu și Natalie vedeam apusul pe acoperiș. Dar acum vreo săptămână. m-a sărutat și de atunci a fost ciudat. Acum doar ne antrenăm. Dar nu s-a mai întâmplat nimic altceva după aceea. Jur." I told him in Romanian so no one understand us.
(Natalie and I used to watch the sunset on the rooftop. But about a week ago. she kissed me and it's been awkward since. Now we just train. But nothing else happened after that. I swear.)

I could see all the girls looking super confused from the corner of my eye and Winters eyes widened ever so slightly. I don't even think I hawk could notice it but since I'm a deadly assassin and Winter twin partner I noticed it. "Ce cu adevărat. Te-ai sărutat." He said a bit shocked.
(What really. You kissed.)

"Nu, am mers împreună la soare." I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. And winter just sighed at me and gave me a 'really' face.
(No, we went frolicking in the sun together.)

I just shrugged and walked over to the girls. "Okay. Start over from where we finished before I left." I said to the dazed girls who seemed to be in a trance listening to Winter taking in Romanian to me. I cleared my throat and all the girls looked over at me and nodded their heads.

"Wow. I can't believe it though. You and... wow." Winter said emotionless from beside me. He was looking at the girls as well and had his arms crossed over his chest. I sighed out of my nose and shook my head and kept looking at the girls.


"Natalie where were you?" I said as she walked into the private lesson a couple of minutes late. Yeah I know it's only a couple of minutes but seriously. I don't have the patience to be waiting around for her.

"Sorry. Madam B was asking me questions." She said while putting her duffle bag on the ground beside her.

"Did she ask what we do in these lessons?" I ask her while we get in a fighting stance.

"Yeah, how did you know." She asked with a bit of shock in her voice.

"Because. Karpov and Madam B asked me the same questions early today." I told her as we started to fight. Since I have a super-soldier serum in me I have an advantage and I also have a better skill set for fighting. But Natalie is still very good at fighting.

After about ten, fifteen minutes I was pinning her to the mat. "Why don't we do this. We say that nothing has happened and that we just train. And we can be friends if you want but not say anything about the.... you know to kiss." I suggest to her. She was panting a bit. My forearm pressed against her neck. She taped my arms and I let go and sat on the mat beside her.

"I think that's a good idea." She said while rubbing her neck and breathing heavily. I nod in response and stand up. I put my hand out to help her up and she took it happily and she stood up. "Friends seem good." And I gave her a smirk and tilted my head.

I was about to say something but I was cut off. "So. Something did happen between you two." We both looked to see Madam B and Karpov standing at the door.

Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger. But no really what do you guys think is going to happen.
Also, what did you think of FATWS episode 4😳
I hope you guys liked this chapter again.
Love you lots xoxo
Stay safe

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